Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden may be senile, but don’t get the idea that the devastation which has been wrought upon our nation is the result of mistakes. Never forget that everything being done by the Biden Administration is deliberate. We’re all headed straight for Hell because that’s the way the Biden bunch has planned it. The chaos of an open border with hundreds of thousands of invaders, along with tons of cocaine, heroin and fentanyl pouring in isn’t an unfortunate mistake, it’s their policy. The embarrassing bailout from Afghanistan that wasted billions, stranded thousands and killed 13 Marines wasn’t a screw up, it was their plan. Likewise, the advent of $5 gasoline and $7 diesel fuel wasn’t a mistake. It’s Democrat/Progressive/Wingnut climate policy. No, it’s not because of Putin, or the war in Ukraine, it’s all part of the climate nut, leave oil in the ground, transition to renewable energy, anti-growth, anti-industry, anti-human agenda. That’s right, I said anti-human, because that’s what these climate nuts are into. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to “environmentalist” nut case Derrick Jensen, the co-founder of the radical environmental movement Deep Green Resistance. Jensen believes civilization is destroying the planet, so wants to go back to the Stone Age. That means fewer people, no lights, no heat, no electricity, no jobs, no food, and no life. He wants a sustainable planet, you see. At least now I understand the meaning of “sustainable,” back to the Stone Age, where up to half of all children died. Then again, for a Party that worships abortion, it kind of makes sense. Jensen says if we don’t do it, all of us may starve within 30 years. (If you’re keeping track, that’s exactly what Paul Erlich predicted, 52 years ago). Biden and company have bought into this nonsense. Joe told us as much. Get used to high energy prices, Joe said. It’s all part of the “beautiful transition” to renewable energy. States like California and Michigan started this crap before Biden. They face brown outs and black outs for a very simple reason – alternative energy sources are insufficient to meet the ordinary needs of everyday life for Americans. Energy inflation has fueled inflated prices for absolutely everything, because absolutely everything we buy has to be delivered by trucks using that $7 a gallon fuel. Biden doesn’t care what it costs you. They’re saving the planet. And if you and your children have to die to make their fever dream come true, that’s just too bad. It didn’t have to be this way. Before Biden, we were energy independent. We could be again, but it’s contrary to the wingnut climate change plan. Biden shut the pipeline, cancelled the leases, and denied operators loans, while all the time promising to close the fossil fuel industry. Sleepy Joe did make one concession that he claimed was designed to ease the pain of high prices on American consumers. He made daily withdrawals of oil from our strategic petroleum reserve. Biden said he was doing it to help Americans. Of course, the amount that his action added to oil supplies was the equivalent of a piss in the ocean, and was guaranteed to have no effect on prices, but Biden congratulated himself for depleting our strategic supply, oil that by law should be tapped only to meet a dire military or domestic emergency. This week we learned where some of our strategic oil reserve actually went. More than 5 million barrels of the oil President Trump stocked up on at bargain prices is being shipped to countries all over the world, including to – wait for it – China. Biden has told gas station owners to lower their prices because, “this is a time of war and global peril.” So in a time of war and global peril, what does Biden do? He buys oil from Russia, the country that started the war, and he sends our strategic oil to our most dangerous enemy. Meanwhile, what is China up to? They’re buying cut rate oil from Russia, and adding that oil and our oil to the Chinese strategic oil reserve. You can’t make this shit up. But for the fact that Biden lied when he said we were at war, these actions would go by a simple name – treason. That’s not a joke. During World War II, the U.S. produced more than 80% of all the oil used by all the Allied countries. We supplied the U.S., Great Britain, Russia and Australia with all the oil needed for the war. We had gasoline rationing in the U.S., not because of an oil shortage, but because of a shortage of rubber for tires. Had FDR shipped oil to Germany, Italy, or Japan, he would have been impeached, and then hanged. But old Joe keeps telling us he did a good thing. We’re being played for suckers. The sad thing is that so many Americans are willing to believe this crap. We can’t end the use of fossil fuels without causing a depression, famine, civil unrest, possible civil war, and default on our massive debt. Maybe that’s the plan. We go bust, and Biden sells the country to the Chinese at the bankruptcy sale. Think of it as payback for the money the Chinese paid to Hunter Biden, who by the way did business with the Chinese company buying our oil. I for one am not going back to the Stone Age. We couldn’t do that anyhow. With all the new Biden EPA regulations, if we went back to being hunter-gatherers, using open fires to warm our caves, the Biden EPA would arrest us for CO2 crimes against the planet. But it may come to that anyway. Diesel fuel is basically the same fuel used to heat homes. At $7 a gallon we better start learning to smack two stones together to start that fire. It’s been widely reported that more than 70% of the country doesn’t want Joe Biden to run for reelection. If Old Joe doesn’t run, I know the perfect job for him. He can replace that annoying guy on the Allstate commercials who keeps telling us, “I’m Mayhem.” Joe Biden could handle that job easily. He wouldn’t be acting.
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