George Washington’s victory over General Cornwallis at Yorktown ended the American Revolution. It is reported that, when Cornwallis surrendered, the British band played the song The World Turned Upside Down. Whenever I listen to a Democrat harangue of Republicans, which is infrequent because I can tolerate only so much bullshit, I am reminded of that song. Clearly, something must be upside down, because the Democrats keep complaining that Republicans are extremists. Now, I guess it’s really a matter of perspective. When you’re way out there in left field, and at the same time, you’re afflicted with the unshakable conviction that anything you profess to believe in is automatically right simply because you believe it (which is the liberal mental defect in a nutshell), then you must naturally conclude that wherever you are must be the mainstream. Those so afflicted are completely unaffected by facts, truth, really by any semblance of reality. A case in point. Loony lefty professor Neal Gabler sees Trump’s popularity as the unmasking of how the GOP devolved from a “business-centered, small town, white Protestant set of beliefs” into a party associated with “bigotry, intellectual dishonesty, ignorance, warmongering, intractability and cruelty against the vulnerable and powerless.” According to Gabler, the mainstream media “chose not to tell” the story over the past 50 years, as the party lurched “not just rightward, but extremist-ward,” If it had, the professor claims, we would have seen headlines that accurately reflected what was happening, such as these: “Republicans Oppose Civil Rights”; “Republicans Demonize Homosexuals and Deny Them Rights”; or “Republicans Work to Defeat Expansion of Health Insurance.” Reality check – hasn’t the mainstream media been bashing Republicans for 50 years with precisely the headlines quoted above? Liberals don’t think so. They think the media is protecting Republicans. Upside down. The media should report Republicans oppose civil rights, but not the truth – that Democrats in Congress blocked all meaningful civil rights legislation for 90 years, and that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed only because Republicans voted for it. Hillary Clinton is in lock-step with the professor. She said, “As you know, he [Trump] believes Muslims should be banned from entering this country because of their faith. What would that mean for a nation founded on religious freedom? He wants to round up 11 million immigrants and kick them out. What would that mean for a nation built by immigrants? He says wages for working people are too high and we shouldn’t raise the minimum wage. What would that mean for working people? And a court that’s already tilting in favor of powerful corporations?” Where do I begin? Trump hasn’t called for a ban of Muslims because of their faith. First, it’s not a ban, it’s a temporary halt based on security concerns. The dire threat we face is from a small group of Middle-Eastern people, all of whom happen to be Muslims. On the other hand, Ms. Hillary wants to increase the admission of Syrian refugees by more than 500%, despite the facts that ISIS has announced its intention to embed terrorists among the refugees, and the FBI and Homeland Security have announced that they have no effective way to vet the new arrivals. And Republicans are extreme? Religious freedom? From Democrats, who take every opportunity to destroy the religious freedom of Americans? It’s Democrats who want to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to hand out contraceptives. And Republicans are extreme? He wants to round up 11 million “immigrants?” America was built by legal immigrants. The people here illegally aren’t immigrants, they are criminals. At least 40% of them are here because they overstayed their visas. There’s no excuse for them. It’s probably why the Immigrant Action Fund and La Raza support Hillary. If 11 million American citizens decided to stop paying taxes, do you think the government would say, “We can’t round them all up?” Hell no. They’d be in Leavenworth. Hillary is looking out for working people? Please! A $15 federal minimum wage will kill more jobs. Prevailing wages differ State to State because living costs differ. Even the bloated federal government understands this. Federal workers in high-cost areas get paid more than those in lower cost areas for doing the same job. Hillary is worried about the influence of big corporations? That’s rich. A list of her biggest donors reads like the Fortune 500. Hillary has taken big money from Citigroup; JPMorgan Chase; Goldman Sachs; Morgan Stanley; Time Warner; Microsoft Corp; and Bank of America. Hillary says make college free. Maybe that’s why people affiliated with 33 colleges across the nation are among Clinton’s top 500 donors, contributing nearly $2.6 million. The University of California and Harvard lead the list. That’s looking out for the little guy. Hillary sure knows how to raise money. That’s probably why she’s been endorsed by Hookers for Hillary (Although Slick Willy might have nailed down that endorsement). Republicans support police officers and the rule of law. Democrats say that’s extremist and racist. Upside down, you say? The Dems don’t think so. Republicans had law enforcement speakers at their convention. The Democrats had the mothers of criminals killed in police shootings. Apparently Democrats believe the police are the cause of violence. And Republicans are extremist? Simply put, the Democrats are the party of corporate welfare, illegal immigrants, cop killers, anarchists, Hispanic separatists, and people who think they should be able to marry a goat. If you doubt me remember the freak show which was the Democratic Convention. Then you decide where the extremist label belongs.
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