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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Hackers and Hacks

Anyone with an email account has experienced attempted or successful attacks by hackers, seeking to steal confidential information.  Whether they’re carried out by a Nigerian Prince or by some home grown thief, the object is to get into and empty your bank accounts.  These hackers usually represent no more than minor annoyances.

Hacking carried out by nation States is something else again.  And it’s not a new phenomenon.  This website is named for a book I wrote in 2009.  In researching for the book, I came across a Time magazine article about Chinese “black hat hackers,” employed by the People’s Liberation Army, to hack into foreign governments and businesses.

This hacking is no less than a cyber-invasion; an act of war, designed to probe for weakness and vulnerability.  The work of Chinese hackers was the suspected cause of an August 2003 blackout in the U.S. and Canada.  More recently, in 2020, after a border incident, the Chinese blacked out Mumbai.  As this is written, another Chinese group, known as Volt Typhoon, is busily attacking internet servers.

Nations also use hacking to interfere in foreign elections.  The object is to destabilize other governments, including our own.  Whether the foreign hacking is real or imagined, it has the potential to disrupt the electoral process by sowing seeds of suspicion, resulting in a loss of faith in the election’s outcome.

The so-called “journalists” who populate our media are greatly offended by these foreign attempts to “destroy our democracy.”  Well, let’s say they’re offended some of the time. As with all things political in the Age of Trump, it depends who’s ox is being hacked, or more precisely, it depends upon whether they approve of the result of the election.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton lost to Trump.  That year, as both The New York Times and The Washington Post reported it has done for decades, the Russians spread misinformation designed to disrupt the U.S.  I wrote about Russian disinformation at length in these pages in May and July of 2017.

In July 2016, the Hillary campaign claimed that DNC emails were leaked by the Russians for the purpose of helping Donald Trump.  Whether they actually were hacked or by whom has never been proven, principally because Hillary denied the FBI access to her server.  In any event, the notion that the Russians were trying to help Trump is absurd.  A Russian energy firm gave $35 million to the Clinton Foundation, after which Secretary of State Clinton sold 20% of our uranium to Russia.  Having proven the Clintons could be bought, the Russians were not about to support loose cannon Trump.

The more likely reason for the claim of Russian hacking in July 2016, is that, in June 2016, Hillary paid $1 million for a false Russian dossier alleging that Trump was colluding with Russia.  As you may recall, this lie led to illegal wiretapping of Trump, and a Special Counsel investigation.  The FBI knew it was false, but used it anyway.  And the media was righteously indignant about a phony claim of foreign interference with an election.

Fast forward to 2024.  Iranian hackers have cracked into emails of the Trump campaign, and are trying to influence the presidential election.  This is a fact verified by the FBI.  Of course, to keep things “fair,” the FBI says that Iran also “attempted” to breach Kamala’s emails.  This is a red herring, however, as there is no chance that Iran is seeking to damage the Democrat campaign.

Donald Trump imposed economic sanctions on Iran that nearly bankrupted the country.  He even convinced China to stop buying Iranian oil.  Iran was broke, and incapable of funding terrorism.  Then Trump killed the Iran nuclear deal, and then he killed Iran’s surrogate, terrorist chief Soleimani.   Biden and Harris removed the sanctions on Iran, gave Iran $6 billion, as well as more than $60 billion in oil revenue, and are trying to revive the nuclear deal.

In addition to not wanting Trump to be reelected, the Iranians are also trying to kill him.  They issued a fatwa in 2020, for the deaths of Trump, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton.  That’s a fact.  They’ve been hacking into government websites.  That’s a fact, as the Feds indicted Iranians for that last year.  They sent an agent to the U.S. to recruit hitmen to kill Trump.  That’s a fact, as the agent was arrested in April.

The point of all this is that our media, which was so incensed by fake hacking in 2016, has said next to nothing about real hacking, and a foreign conspiracy to commit three murders in 2024.

The assassination attempt on Trump in July did nothing to peak the media’s interest in foreign actions designed to influence the result of a presidential election.  Had it reminded the media of the responsibilities of true journalists, perhaps they would be taking more than a passing interest in the botched Secret Service protection of Trump, and the disturbing facts regarding the investigation of, or more precisely, the lack of an investigation into the alleged gunman who wounded Trump and two others, and who murdered another man.

They might wonder, for instance why a 20 year old loner, with no social media presence at all in the U.S., had three encrypted accounts in Belgium, Germany and New Zealand,  how the nursing home food server developed the skills to construct sophisticated explosive devices, and why his body was quickly cremated.

I’m not a journalist, but in about 10 minutes I learned that Belgium is a hotbed of Islamist terrorist activity.  The Atlantic reported in 2015 that more Jihadis come from Belgium than from anyplace else in Europe.  German Islamic terrorists committed the Solingen knife rampage last week, and the Russian theater attack that killed 123 people.  New Zealand Muslims are being recruited as foreign fighters, and New Zealand is a haven for terrorist money laundering.

The Kamala loving media apparently is uninterested in foreign hacking this year.  That being the case, you’d think it would at least pay attention to attempts to influence the election by U.S. government agencies.  But so long as these attempts are geared toward electing Democrats, they’re not interested.

In 2020, the FBI and the CIA attempted to “fix” the election by suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop as “Russian disinformation.”  We now know that many of the 51 Intelligence sources who signed the letter claiming the laptop was fake were still on the CIA payroll, with access to classified information.  The CIA Director knew the claim was false, and the FBI knew, in 2019, that the Hunter laptop was genuine.

Despite knowing the truth, the FBI went to internet platforms and advised them to censor reports of Biden criminal activity in October 2020, in order to influence the outcome of the election.  Mark Zuckerberg admitted this just this week.  For some reason, however, the lapdog media has neglected to mention any of this.

The bottom line is, we should be concerned about hacking and interference that is intended to undermine our elections, no matter what its origin.  The problem is that our Media Hacks are willing to aid and abet hackers who they think will advance their left wing ends.

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