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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Hitler, Hamas, and History

On October 7, an army of Hamas Islamic terrorist scum crossed the border from Gaza into southern Israel and carried out barbaric attacks against Israelis.  At least 1,400 Israeli men, women, and children were slaughtered, and hundreds taken hostage.  The dead and captured included 32 dead Americans and an unknown number of American hostages.  Attacking Israel is nothing new for members of Hamas, whose most popular hobby is constructing missiles to be fired over the Israeli border.  But October 7 wasn’t isolated attack; it was a well planned, coordinated invasion, made to start a war, and carried out with a brutality reminiscent of the Medieval Crusades and Nazi Germany.  Indeed, many commentators, including Mark Levin, have taken to calling the Hamas murderers Nazis, and that’s not just hyperbole.  In point of fact, the comparison of the Hamas maniacs to Nazis is all too apt.  Adolph Hitler’s Germany persecuted Jews, and tolerated Christian religions to the extent that they could be used to foster Nazism as the true State religion.  Hitler’s relationship with Muslims was something else again.  Hitler admired Islam, telling Albert Speer, “It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion.  Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?”  He considered Islam a Männerreligion—a “religion of men.”  The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise,” which Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.”  In 1941, Hitler met with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.  The Mufti, al-Husseini, told Hitler that the Arabs and Germans had common enemies in the English, Jews and Communists.  The Mufti, who also called on Benito Mussolini, shared the Nazi goal of “uncompromising war against the Jews,” and he called on Arabs to kill Jews.  The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in Eygpt in 1928, was trained in the tactics of guerilla warfare by Nazi commando leader Otto Skorzeny.  This was basic training for those who later became Islamic terrorists.  One of Skorzeny’s students was Yassar Arafat. We’re told that Islam is a religion of peace, and for most adherents that’s true.  However, whatever one’s view of Islam, it’s fair to say that Islam is not now, nor has it ever been known for its tolerance.  That’s not a criticism, it’s just a fact which certainly isn’t unique to Muslims.  The history of Christianity surely is marked by episodes of extreme intolerance and cruelty in the name of God.  Untold thousands were hacked to death by Crusaders who were sent out to kill with Papal blessings.  The Massacre at Beziers is a good example.  During the Albigensian Crusade in Southern France in 1209, soldiers asked the Papal Legate, Amalric, how to distinguish the heretics from the faithful.  The priest told them, “Kill them all.  God will know his own.”  That advice was a far cry from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, but religions have a habit of evolving, or perhaps devolving from “love thy neighbor” to “kill the stranger.”  Muslims are no exception.  Hatred of Jews was not a founding principle of Islam.  Far from it.  Muhammad considered Jesus to be the greatest of God’s messengers, and preached tolerance for “People of the Book” (Muslims, Christians and Jews).  Among his 9 wives, Muhammad numbered a Jewish woman and a Coptic Christian.  After Muhammad’s death in 632 things changed.  The truth is that Muslims don’t just consider non-Muslims to be infidels; they’ve been fighting amongst themselves for 1,400 years.  When Muhammad died, his friend Abu Bakr became the Islamic leader, or Caliph.  Some Muslims, now called Shiites, believed that the line of succession should run from Muhammad’s cousin Ali, instead of through Bakr.  War broke out.  This 7th Century schism was led by the so-called Kharijites, who divided Muslims into two groups, those who agreed with them (The People of Heaven), and those who disagreed (The People of Hell), which sounds a lot like today’s Democrat Party.  Anyhow, the first four Caliphs were murdered, and Shiites and Sunnis have been fighting ever since.  Mideast violence also is nothing new.  Muslims opposed the creation of a Jewish State, and have fought several wars against Israel since 1948.  The Palestinians, who could rightly be considered the locusts of the Muslim world, sow violence and dicontent wherever they go.  They turned Lebanon from a peaceful Mediterranean country into a terrorist Hellhole.  They tried to overhtrow the King of Jordan.  Consequently, they’re not welcome in any Arab State.  Israel agreed to a Palestinian homeland 23 years ago.  Yassar Arafat vetoed the agreement.  In 2005, Israel gave the Palestinians control of Gaza.  The next year, in their one and only election, Palestinians chose Hamas to govern them.  Therefore, the calls for freedom for Palestine shouldn’t be directed at Israel.  When you hear calls for “a two State solution,” remember that they’re one State short.  Palestinians rejected Statehood in 2000, and chose Hamas instead.  The Hamas Charter consists of 36 Articles, all of which promote the goal of destroying the State of Israel.  One of the Articles says, “There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad (holy war).”  There’s no negotiating with that.  Since October 7, Israel has been waging war against Hamas.  It’s been ugly and bloody, but they have no choice.  What has disgusted me more than anything else has been the reaction to Israel’s defense of their homeland in this country.  You expect blatant anti-Semitism from the Muslim world, but the attacks on Israel and Jews on our college campuses is a disgusting reminder of the educational malpractice that has been perpetrated on our children by the Woke imbeciles who populte college faculties.  They employ the tactics of the Left, preferring mindless chanting to truth, and consider facts to be mere annoyances to be denied or ignored.  The Hamas butchers produced videos of their own atrocities.  Those videos are in the public domain.  Reportedly, journalists from CNN and other outlets went along with the terrorists on their raids.  Yet, again reminiscent of the Holocaust, some blue and green haired college educated dolts have had the gall to express doubt whether Hamas really attacked Israel.  Congresspersons, mostly from the Squad, are calling for a cease fire, which would permit Hamas leaders to escape and rearm.  Maybe thjey should be renamed the Jihad Squad.  Israel has remained steadfast.  Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden and filthy company have wavered, calling for a pause in the fighting.  They’re torn between courting the votes of Jewish Americans, and trying to appease Muslim voters.  If we’re lucky, this rift will tear the Democrat Party apart, just in time for the 2024 election.  Hopefully, the Palestinian protesters will use their 1,400 year old feud do for Democrats what what they did for the Lebanese.  Palestinian unrest could be the 2024 version of the Wuhan virus for Democrats.  Meanwhile, let’s hope the Israelis are able to eradicate the Hamas virus from their borders.  Those cockroaches need to be hunted down and exterminated.


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