If you doubt that we’re in a death struggle with the Left to preserve our freedom, behold the newest target of Socialist cancel-culture, Dr. Suess. That’s right. What could liberal fascists have against Dr. Suess, who spent his life writing books for children? The beloved Dr. Suess, whose rhyming prose helped millions of kids learn to read? The same Dr. Suess who published kids’ books from 1937 to 1990, and who’s been dead since 1991? What’s their beef with him? Well, you see, he’s a racist. Two alleged academics, who I purposely won’t name, wrote a report for St. Catherine University’s Research on Diversity in Youth Literature, “The Cat is Out of the Bag: Orientalism, AntiBlackness, and White Supremacy in Dr. Seuss’ s Children’s Books.” That’s all it took. Two people we never heard of, from a school in Minnesota we never heard of, branded as a racist a man who sold 222 million books, published in more than 15 different languages. For 80 years, readers in all those countries where the books were sold were blissfully unaware of the danger. But finally, these two have discovered that 6 of his 45 books have illustrations that are ethnicly insensitive. What’s more, only 2% of the characters depicted are “of color,” and the characters are all male. Huh? The 6 offending books were written from 1937 to 1955, so it’s not surprising that something in them might run afoul of 2021 liberal PC orthodoxy. (Note – I don’t say “political correctness.” Modern-day book burning censors have no place in our politics, and they certainly aren’t “correct.” PC stands for “political cowardice.”) Only 2% are “of color,” and they’re all male? Nonsense. All Suess characters are of color. They’re not “people of color” because they’re not people. They’re Whos, Loraxes, Cats, Elephants, Things (I and II), Turtles and Sneetches. These beings are of many colors, including green, red, yellow, black & white, and even blue. I defy anyone to locate genitalia on any Suess illustration, and anyway, I thought the Left told us there was no such thing as gender anymore. Certainly not Gender I and Gender II. But once the Leftist Cat was out of the Hat, others jumped on the cancel bandwagon. One idiot noted that The Cat in the Hat was black, but that his white gloves reminded him of racist minstrel shows. Ay, ay, ay! Feckless politicians jumped in, and then, the coup de grace, imbecile “celebrities” piled on Dr. Suess. This avalanche of bull crap caused some schools to remove Suess books from Read Across America Day, March 2nd, celebrating Dr. Suess’ birthday. Having cancelled Dr. Suess, maybe they’ll move Read Across America to April 20th, the birthday of another book burner, Adolph Hitler. The fact that some notable Leftists have participated in publicly reading Dr. Suess books to kids doesn’t matter.
In 2015, Michele’s husband, Il Duce Obama, said, “Pretty much all the stuff you need to know is in Dr. Seuss.” The Duce emphasized Seuss’ message of inclusivity written into many of his books. Il Duce specifically mentioned The Sneetches, which is a great example. The Sneetches (who are yellow, if you’re keeping score) come in two varieties, those with stars on their bellies, and those without stars. The star bellies think they’re better than the plain bellies. An enterprising, no doubt Socialist, entrepreneur (Al Gore comes to mind), who’s named Sylvester McMonkey McBean (also yellow, if you were worried) makes money with a machine that puts stars on the plain bellies. Then, when the original star bellies discover they’re not special anymore, McBean cleans up, charging them to remove their stars. The moral of the story, “No matter what you look like, you’re just as good as anyone else.” Pretty racist, huh? The real problem the liberal fascists have with Dr. Suess isn’t that he’s racist, because that’s absurd. Theodore Geisel was an FDR New Deal liberal, who opposed racism and fascism all his life. Before World War II, he was a political cartoonist, who used his talents to warn America of the dangers of fascism, communism and anti-Semitism. He lampooned Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, and he pleaded for racial tolerance.
Suess’ anti-fascist message carried over into his books. Yertle the Turtle is a totalitarian dictator who tells his/her complaining subjects to just shut up, until he/she is literally overthrown. But now they say Dr. Suess presents a clear and present danger, and so he does, but not to kids. Dr. Suess is a danger to the fascist Left, because his messages fly in the face of identity politics, the mother’s milk of Leftist nuts. Dr. Suess sends kids the message that, no matter who they are, or where they come from, they have opportunity, if they are self-determined and independent. “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” “A person’s a person no matter how small.” “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” “You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high heights.” “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so get on your way!” “You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who’ll decide where to go.” These are fighting words to Leftists. “You’re equal to everyone else” and “you can attain great things if you work hard and are independent” conflicts with the Leftist message of, “You’re victims, the world is unfair, America stinks, and only the government can solve your problems.” And that’s the real problem the Left has with Dr. Suess. For a hundred years, Progressive/Socialists have believed that they have a monopoly on early education, to indoctrinate their ideas into poor kids who never get to hear anything other than Leftist crap. Early Progressive John Dewey supported sending kids to kindergarten, not to add an additional year of education, but to get the kids away from the influence of their parents a year earlier, the better to instill Socialist values. So cancelling Dr. Suess is simply a way to cancel his message of hope, and replace it with the Left’s message of misery, futility and dependence. I reject this in true Suess fashion, “I do not want them in our schools. I cannot stand these liberal fools. I would not like them here or there. I would not like them anywhere. I reject the crap they sell. Progressives all can go to Hell.” And while I’m on a roll, how about one more? “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant, Progressives are crazy 100%.”
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