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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Kamala, The Musical

As the calendar turns from September to October, we’re in the home stretch of the 2024 presidential election.  Trump continues to be Trump, with the outdoor rallies in swing States.  Or at least he tries to continue the rallies.  In an unprecedented abrogation of its responsibilities, the United States Secret Service this week actually told Donald Trump that it was unable to guarantee his safety at a planned outdoor rally in Michigan.  They forced the rally indoors, where of course, Trump’s message could reach far fewer voters than it would have in the outdoor setting.

The reported reason for this action was a lack of manpower, due to the United Nations General Assembly meetings.  Secret Service decided that the protection of corrupt dictators was more important than the protection of a presidential candidate who already has experienced two assassination attempts, and who Secret Service admits is being targeted by Iranian hit squads.  In a word, this is bullshit.

The government is being run by a Party that says it seeks to avoid bad optics.  Remember?  When Trump offered the Democrats 10,000 troops to protect the Capitol on January 6, 2021, they turned it down.  The optics, they said, would be ruined by the presence of troops.

Now, late September 2024, and the Secret Service has fostered the following optics.  While the Secret Service expends resources to protect the President of Iran in New York, the man whose nation openly has announced that it’s going to kill Trump, Mike Pompeo, and other Americans, it is withholding resources to protect a former President of the United States, and current presidential candidate.

If America had real journalists, this would be a scandal.  But we don’t.  And the reality is that 30% of Democrats, and I suspect a greater percentage of so-called journalists actually are rooting for Iran to finish Trump off.  The truth is that this Administration, and its Secret Service: A) don’t care if Trump is killed; and B) are using limited Secret Service protection to hamper Trump’s campaign in swing States.  Example – after protecting Kamala at her Wisconsin rally, they refused to permit Trump to have his rally in Wisconsin.  The fact is, we don’t need foreign meddling in our elections, the Biden-Harris Administration is doing a fine job by itself.

Meanwhile, the Hollywood production that is the Kamala Harris campaign rolls on.  You will recall that we had Kamala – The Sitcom, with her campaign resembling a Show About Nothing.  No plans.  No policies.  And no straight answers to any question.

Much like a sitcom, though, The Kamala Show featured a catchy tagline.  You know, The Big Bang Theory had “Bazinga!”  Fonzie on Happy Days had “Hey!”  Bart Simpson had “Eat my shorts.”  And That Seventies Show had “Burn!”  Not to be outdone, Kamala has “What can be, unburdened by what has been.”

At first, we didn’t know what that line meant, but now we figured it out.  I think it means she can change every position she’s ever held on every issue with impunity.  She can lie to the American people.  And she can continue to hide until election day.  Who knows?  It worked for Biden.

Anyhow, after the sitcom, we had Kamala’s game show, The Price is Wrong, where she announced she would end inflation by prosecuting supermarkets for price gouging, or was that price gauging?  No matter.  Either way it was bullshit.

The game show was followed by the Kamala dramatic series, The Fakest Show on Earth.  This was a mystery series, like Murder She Wrote.  Only it should have been called Bullshit She Spread, because in it, Kamala ducked all real interviews, then sat for a couple of softball sessions with friendly outlets, which perpetuated her lies.  It wasn’t much of a mystery, though, because all the viewers soon figured out, like in Clue, that person who murdered the truth was Kamala, in the studio, with the word salad.

New for October, however, is the next installment of the Hollywood production of Kamala, the candidate.  This one is Kamala, the Musical.  That’s right, they’ve brought back the Broadway production of Camelot, this time, aptly renamed, Skamalot.  The title song is a very catchy tune.


Kamala made it plain four years ago man,
A border wall is just medieval rot,
But now she says the wall was always her plan,
It’s Skamalot!

She hopes that voters really won’t remember,
The socialistic policies she’s got,
She needs to keep on lying till November,
It’s Skamalot!

Skamalot! Skamalot!
I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
But in Skamalot, Skamalot,
That’s how conditions are.

She once assured that she would banish fracking,
Today she says that’s simply not the case.
So now she’ll frack for gas,
She’s talking out her ass,
She’s out to fool the uninformed right here in Skamalot.

Skamalot! Skamalot!
It should give a person pause,
That in Skamalot, Skamalot,
This Jackass made our laws.

She used to say all cars must be electric,
But now she says that’s not what she stands for,
Her flip flops may seem strange,
But her values haven’t changed,
Kamala’s just a lying twit,
Right here in Skamalot!

Wow!  That should have them rolling in the aisles over at MSNBC.

The moral of the story is, that no matter how many times the Democrats change the lyrics, the song remains the same.  Kamala Harris is nothing more than an empty pantsuit masquerading as a leader.

The only offices she led in California were political plums supplied by her Sugar Daddy, Willie Brown.  Kamala ran the DA’s office in San Francisco, and then the California Attorney General’s office.  She ran both offices, along with the entire State of California, directly into the ground.  And now she wants to apply her nonexistent talents to the presidency.  “What may be, unburdened by what has been.”  A slogan is not a policy.

Laurence Peter developed what became known as the Peter Principle. (There’s a lot I could do with that, but I’ll stay away from the implications).  The principle is that a person tends to rise to the level of his or her incompetence.  Kamala reached her level long ago, and now has no place to go but down.  Don’t let her take the rest of us with her.

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