Every day brings new and increasingly shocking revelations about the lengths, and depths, to which the Justice Dept. and FBI went to subvert the 2016 election. We are told that only about 20% of the sad story has been publicly revealed, and frankly, that 20% is bad enough. It now is abundantly clear that the Obama FBI, Justice Dept., and we are now learning, State Dept., conspired (yes, that is the word), to conduct electronic surveillance on the Trump campaign and on the Trump administration. Much of the details emerged from the release of the thousands of text messages between adulterous FBI paramours Peter Strozk and Lisa Page. These two crazy kids exchanged some 50,000 texts (it’s a wonder they did any work), about the plan to keep Donald Trump from being elected President. The texts show that there was pressure to end the Hillary Clinton email server “investigation” when Ted Cruz dropped out of the race in May 2016. James Comey announced that Hillary would not be prosecuted in July 2016, but we now know that the FBI drafted the exoneration memo in May, the same time that the FBI felt “pressure.” Then there was the wiretapping. Yes, children, Trump was right last March when he said he was wiretapped, because that’s what electronic surveillance means. We’ve been through this before. Hillary pays Fusion, GPS for the Steele dossier, containing lies about Trump, provided by Russian intelligence agents. Nellie Ohr, of Fusion, gives it to her husband, Bruce, who just happens to be a high-ranking Justice Dept. official, and the dossier is used to get surveillance on Carter Page and Trump officials. The surveillance goes on for about a year. The dossier was pure fiction, but the Justice Dept. used it in the wiretap affidavit (that means they swore it was true) to the FISA court judge. Recently fired FBI Deputy Director McCabe told Congress there would have been no wiretap without the phony dossier information. It turns out the FBI didn’t corroborate any of the claims in the dossier. (That’s really hard to do when the claims are false). The dossier came from the Clinton campaign. Courts are not supposed to get involved in politics, so the Justice Dept. didn’t tell the Court it was a scandalous political hit piece. (No sense burdening the Court with the facts). Christopher Steele told the FBI he hated Trump and wanted to prevent his election at all costs, but they didn’t tell the Court the source was biased, because had they done so, the Court would expect the FBI to fully corroborate the claims, and they couldn’t do that. Then the FBI caught Steele leaking to Yahoo News. The FBI was angry (leaking is their job), so they withheld Steele’s $50,000 payment and severed ties with him, but they didn’t tell the Court they no longer trusted their source. Instead, McCabe, and Comey and Rosenstein kept signing renewals of the wiretaps. That’s the same James Comey who in January 2017 told President Trump the dossier was “salacious and unverified,” but who signed an affidavit to the Court swearing that the information it contained was true. Which leads us to the $64,000 question. Why would the FBI, the Justice Dept. and the State Dept. do what they did? Did the FBI just have a few bad actors who went rogue? No. The FBI has legal counsels and an Inspector General, and anyhow, the FBI answers to the Justice Dept., which has to approve what they do. And who, pray tell, was running the Justice Dept. until January 20, 2017? Attorney General Loretta Lynch. And who did General Lynch work for? The President, Il Duce Barack Obama. Long ago, I wrote here, The Fish Stinks From the Head, and so it does. None of the illegal activities undertaken by Justice and the FBI would have happened, or could have happened, unless Obama and Lynch approved them. Barack Obama, who told us he was going to “fundamentally transform” the United States, did so by thoroughly corrupting our law enforcement and intelligence services. Obama weaponized intelligence and law enforcement agencies to spy on a political opponent. That happens in Russia and in banana republics. Loretta Lynch has been laying low, relying on the fiction that she took no part in the decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for obvious crimes. Remember the June 2016 furtive meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton, at the Phoenix airport? Lynch announced she would remove herself from the prosecution decision, leading to Comey’s July 2016 “no prosecution” statement. It was a lie. Lynch didn’t announce she removed herself to be ethical, she announced it because she got caught. Had a reporter not seen Bill sneaking onto Loretta’s plane, she wasn’t about to make that meeting public. The FBI doesn’t decide who gets prosecuted, Justice does that. Comey told Congress he did not give Lynch advance notice of his “no prosecution” conclusion. He didn’t have to. One of the Strozk texts confirms that Lynch already knew. Of course she did. Comey said that Lynch told him not to call the Clinton investigation an “investigation,” but to instead call it “a matter.” That’s because Lynch, and her boss, Il Duce Obama, well knew that there was never going to be a real investigation of Hillary Clinton. That’s why Comey didn’t have to tell Lynch his decision in July. The fix already was in. And remember, that the exoneration memo was written in May 2016, before the Lynch-Bill Clinton meeting. This sad story gets even sadder when the conspirators expanded their conspiracy to bring about the impeachment of Donald Trump. In their minds, they had to do it. If Hillary won, their crimes would never be disclosed. She lost, and they were in jeopardy. So Trump fires James Comey (a wiretap affiant) in June 2017. Then, wiretap affiant Rod Rosenstein brings Comey’s good friend Bob Mueller to Trump to interview to replace Comey. (A perfect choice to ensure that FBI misconduct stayed a secret). Trump wouldn’t appoint Mueller to be FBI Director. So the very next day, Rosenstein appoints Mueller Independent Counsel to investigate Trump. If they get away with this, none of us is safe.
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