I freely admit that I was wrong about Donald Trump. I voted for him and I supported him, but to the end, I didn’t think he could pull it off. I thought he couldn’t win because he had the Clinton machine, the entirety of the corrupt media, and lily-livered factions of the Republican Party against him. The media was against Trump on ideological grounds. The crooked politicians, motivated by greed, opposed Trump to continue their crooked business as usual. We were told Trump didn’t have enough money. We were told Trump had no turnout plan for election day. He won anyway. I was wrong, and I had a lot of company. On February 12, 2016, I wrote, “People thirst for a leader who will keep us safe. Most of all, the people who have turned toward outsiders want to put a stop to “business as usual” in Washington. This is a recipe for a conservative populist, who understands that the power resides in the people, and that elected officials should serve the people and not themselves.” I didn’t think Donald Trump was that person. Based on his performances during the primary season, I thought Trump was serving himself instead of serving the people. I was wrong. I judged him too fast. It was remarkable to watch the evolution of Donald Trump. In February he was hawking Trump steaks and wine. By November he was transformed into a tireless campaigner who consistently drove home a message of reform and renewal for Americans who are tired of being told that they are the ones who are out of step. For eight years, Il Duce Obama and his cabal of extreme left-wing statists have labored to destroy American culture. The election of Donald Trump spells the end of the era of liberal madness, which has stifled all dissent. On election night, Mr. Trump hit precisely the right notes, “Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division; have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. It’s time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important to me.” In her concession speech, Hillary Clinton was conciliatory, “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead.” Of course, proving the adage that there is nothing less liberal than a liberal, Hillary Clinton supporters immediately reached out to Mr. Trump.
As I write this, we have experienced a night of protests in seven cities across the country which consisted of aimless marches through the streets by a mob connected to the Party of tolerance chanting “F**k Trump.” It seems the anarchists don’t listen to Hillary either. The liberals are in shock. It was delightful to watch the election coverage on Tuesday. Commentators armed with exit polls that were just as flawed as the pre-election polls, were stunned as State after State went to Trump. Indeed, 112 out of 116 pre-election polls said Hillary was going to win. Last week I predicted that the polls’ use of a +10% Democrat turnout model was tilting the polls toward Hillary. All day long on election day, we were told the voter turnout was at record proportions. Not so. The real turnout was +5% Democrat, and the overall turnout was four million lower than 2012. It seems a lot of the Bernie Sanders adherents stayed home, and many of the Democrats who did come out voted for Trump. All the predictions and all of the polls fed the mania of the leftists in and out of the media; people who have deluded themselves to the conclusion that whatever they believe is, by definition, right. When the real results were known, these liberals were devastated. They even aired their delusions. Communist Van Jones (on CNN) attributed Trump’s win to a “whitelash” against Obama. Follow this bouncing Communist ball. White voters twice elected a black President. Then, to punish the black President, they refused to vote for a white woman. Okay. Not for nothing, but if complexion is the only criterion, Donald Trump is a lot darker than Hillary. Then there are the celebrities, who are in extreme distress. If Obamacare covers it, maybe they should use crop dusting planes to spray Xanax over New York City and Hollywood. Once again, we are faced with celebrity promises to leave the country if Trump becomes President. If they meant what they said, we may have a shortage of celebrities. Cher says she’s moving to Jupiter. That’s in Palm Beach County, so it’s really not much of a change. Oh, wait, I think she meant the planet. Jon Stewart told People magazine he’d also get a rocket and move to “another planet” in the event of a Trump win. Richard Branson is selling seats on his rocket. Bon voyage. Samuel L. Jackson said he’d hop a plane to South Africa. Get hopping. Amy Schumer said she’d “move to Spain or somewhere.” Chelsea Handler (who?) said she already has a house in Spain. Maybe Amy Schumer can stay with her. Mexican-American George Lopez told TMZ that Latinos (including himself) will move “back” to their native countries in the event of a Trump win. When he goes, he can exit through that “beautiful door” Trump is installing in his wall. Don’t let the beautiful doorknob hit you in the ass, George. Al Sharpton said, “I’m also reserving my ticket to get out of here if he wins.” Here’s some advice, Al. Be careful. Anywhere else you go, they will require you to pay taxes. Bryan Cranston and Lena Dunham said they are moving to Canada. Apparently they are not alone. The Canadian immigration website crashed on election night. Bring a hat and warm coat, eh? And then there’s Barbara Streisand. B.S., who you may recall promised to leave when Bush was elected, now says she will move either to Canada or Australia. Maybe she could split the difference and get off halfway in between, at Johnston Atoll. It’s a remote federal bird refuge in the Pacific Ocean. Babs will feel right at home there. The current winged residents, including the brown booby, the masked booby and the red-footed booby all have beaks that are almost as big as hers.
All in all it was a marvelous election night. Finally I will have a President that I can stand to listen to. Donald Trump has promised to go to Washington and “drain the swamp.” Let the drainage begin.
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