Well, it’s not over yet, but it is beginning to look more and more like voters in November will be called upon to choose either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton as our next President. If it comes to pass, this will be an exceedingly unpalatable choice to make. Peggy Noonan summed it up succinctly as a choice between a crazy man and a criminal. Not a pretty picture. As for Hillary, it seems even wild-eyed Bernie Sanders now knows that it’s all over for him. He’s not quitting yet, but he’s done, leaving about 1/3 of Bernie voters vowing that they won’t vote for Hillary – or so they say right now. Hillary, meanwhile, hasn’t gotten any more popular. Neither have the primary campaigns made her a more polished candidate. Slick Willie, she is not. Hillary, of course, is still under the cloud of a criminal investigation – or so we are led to believe. We don’t hear much about it anymore. Indeed, there is every reason to believe that the fix is in for Hillary, as the FBI Director announced that he’s in no hurry to complete the investigation any time soon. That makes sense, let’s see, what’s a good deadline to wrap things up, how about January 21, 2025? So Hillary is good to go. She wants to raise your taxes. She’s more concerned with climate change than with terrorism. She already made the Middle East more dangerous when she had the chance. She’s not concerned that the military is shrinking. She’d rather prosecute cops than criminals. As far as she’s concerned, everything is going great in America, and it will only be better once we punish more hardworking successful people. In a nutshell, she’s a typical New York liberal.
And then there’s Mr. Trump. He is fresh off of big wins in northeastern state primaries. Trump cleaned up in the big blue states that he has absolutely no chance of winning in November. Why does Trump do so well in northeastern states? Let’s travel back to the very first Republican debate. Q: Mr. Cruz, what do you mean when you say Donald Trump has New York values? Of course, this was turned into an insult to first responders on 911. It never was that. What New York values meant was simply that northeastern Republicans are far more liberal than Republicans from other parts of the country. Trump does well among these liberals because he is a New York liberal. Trump has much more in common with Hillary than with the rank and file Republican voter. And that’s where we stand. If nothing changes, in November we will be forced to choose between a northeastern Democrat liberal and a northeastern Republican liberal. That’s not a problem if you’re a Democrat. Voting for liberals is what you like to do. For those of us who are Republicans? No need to look back farther than four years ago. Romney, a northeastern liberal Republican, couldn’t get it done. And keep in mind, there was no doubt that Romney actually was a Republican. He was the choice of the Party establishment, but even with all the Party activists behind him, he failed. Fast forward to 2016. Whether Donald Trump is even a Republican is questionable. Trump has almost no ground game in the various states, and he doesn’t seem to think local organizations are necessary. And the people who control the local organizations – call them Party activists, loyalists, establishment, or whatever – are opposed to Trump and will not lift a finger to help him. That does not bode well for the general election. I am something of a barometer. I went to the fourth grade wearing a Goldwater button. There is nothing I like to do better than vote for Republicans. But when I’m not excited to go out and vote for a Republican candidate, that candidate is in serious trouble. I am not excited by Trump. Repulsed, yes. Appalled, sure. Bewildered, certainly. Will I vote for him if need be? Yes, I would have no choice, as the prospect of President Hillary is even more repulsive and appalling than President Trump. As Republicans, there is nothing we can do about northeastern liberal Democrat candidate Clinton. But in the ten remaining primary states voting from next Tuesday to June 7, there is an antidote to northeastern liberal Republican candidate Trump. We can and we must support the only conservative Republican candidate still in this race – Ted Cruz. A choice between Trump or Clinton is no more than a hollow echo. You can have either a northeastern liberal with a checkered past, or, well that’s about it. Faced with that choice, many voters who held their noses and voted for Romney will just stay at home on election day. We deserve a better choice. We still have time to stop Trump and nominate a conservative. Donald Trump must not be the nominee of our Party.
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