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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Oprah for President

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.  If Democrats didn’t stand for hypocrisy, they would stand for nothing at all.  This maxim was prominently on display this week at the latest televised Donald Trump Bash-a Thon, known as the Golden Globe Awards.  The show was used as a platform for the #metoo movement, the hashtag being used by women to make sexual harassment complaints about men in the entertainment industry.  The Hollywood crowd is incredibly slow to take note of realities that are obvious to those of us in flyover country, mostly because, in their Hollywood bubble, they rarely experience reality.  They were oblivious to the Holocaust until Steven Spielberg made Schindler’s List.  Most of them never heard of World War II in general, or the Normandy invasion in particular, until Spielberg made Saving Private Ryan.  (Maybe Spielberg should make more historical pictures).  And until October of last year, when the deluge of sexual harassment complaints swamped Harvey Weinstein’s boat, the Hollywood phonies were sailing merrily along, oblivious to, or more likely, perfectly willing to overlook the fact that many Hollywood moguls demanded sex from aspiring actresses in return for advancing their careers.  And until Harvey Weinstein could no longer get them a part, or an Academy Award, too many actresses were perfectly willing to kiss his ring (and other revolting parts of him), and to keep quiet about it.  Now understand, I’m not defending Weinstein.  He’s a pig.  And I’m not denying or downplaying the physical and emotional damage done to the abused women of Hollywood, because it’s real.  What I take exception to is the disgraceful charade perpetrated on the American public by the left-wing Hollywood phonies on the Golden Globe show.  Here’s how screwed up these people are – Supposedly celebrating the fall of Harvey Weinstein and the end of sexual harassment in Hollywood, the women all appeared in black attire.  Black, of course, is the color of mourning, not celebration.  I guess they could be mourning their own stupidity.  For my money, the black dress deal falls a bit short on serious message when women complaining about being sexually objectified show up in black gowns that reveal near-naked breasts, and that are cut up to ass-crack level.

And then there was Oprah.  Oprah Winfrey was there to receive the Cecil B. DeMille award.  I wonder how many Hollywood dolts are aware that DeMille was a conservative Republican who was enlisted by the CIA to fight Communism.  If they find out they might want to change it to the Dalton Trumbo award.  Anyhow, Oprah gave a speech that resulted in calls for her to be the 2020 Democrat candidate for President, which is strange, since these same Hollywood nitwits recently bashed Republicans for nominating a TV personality for President. (They may be hypocrites, but at least they’re consistently hypocritical).  The leftist lapdog media jumped on the Oprah bandwagon, declaring her “unbeatable.” (Uh, you guys said the same thing about Hillary).  You have to admit, Oprah pushed all the right buttons.  She started out by praising Sidney Poitier’s black skin, and complaining about how her mother had to work hard cleaning other people’s houses.  Race and poverty- check, check.  Then she praised the media –  “I want to thank the Hollywood Foreign Press Association because we all know the press is under siege these days. “(I wonder from who?). “We also know it’s the insatiable dedication to uncovering the absolute truth that keeps us from turning a blind eye to corruption and to injustice. (Like they’ve been investigating Hillary’s crimes?).  So, bashed Trump, praised media – check, check.  Then she got to sexual harassment, “And I’m especially proud and inspired by all the women who have felt strong enough and empowered enough to speak up and share their personal stories.”  Women are victims, OK, check.  Now for the obligatory Jim Crow reference.  Oprah recounted the story of a horrendous crime (in 1944 Alabama), a woman raped by armed white men.  She got a quadruple-check on this one: “armed” (2d Amendment); “white” (race politics); “men” (gender politics), and “Alabama.”  Oprah did have a slight Freudian slip, though, when she said that, “The men who tried to destroy [the rape victim] were never persecuted.”  Maybe she meant to say “prosecuted,” but maybe not.  Oprah has expressed her desire for white folks to die in the past.  When she was plugging her movie, The Butler (which Harvey Weinstein produced for her) on MSNBC, Oprah said, “There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism.  And they just have to die.”  So, kill the white people – check.  Oprah issued this warning to harassers, “So I want all the girls watching here, now, to know that a new day is on the horizon!  And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say ‘Me too’ again.”  I thought the day already had dawned.  If not, when is it going to dawn?  And is Oprah the right person to proclaim the impending dawning?  Oprah was pretty close to Harvey Weinstein and some other noted woman abusers.

Are we to believe that it never dawned on Oprah that women were being abused in Hollywood?  No.  Oprah was well aware of the problem, “For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dare speak the truth to the power of those men.  But their time is up.  Their time is up.” Now, Oprah is a billionaire.  Do you think for a minute that if she blew the whistle on the abusers on national TV, nobody would listen?  She never did.  Instead, she lectured America about what’s wrong with us, instead of concentrating on the root of the problem.  Hollywood has been a moral cesspool for 100 years.  Oprah – clean up your own house before telling us how to live.  Those of us outside Hollywood didn’t just discover the problem of sexual harassment last year.  But the truth is, Oprah would make a perfect Democrat candidate. – she’s all identity politics all the time.  Can’t wait for the first debate.


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