In a famous speech he made shortly before his death, General Douglas McArthur told the West Point Corps of cadets that his last conscious thought would be of the Corps, and the Corps, and the Corps. In that vein, it has become increasingly obvious that, for elected members of today’s Democrat Party, their sole thought, and their sole purpose is to advance the agenda of what has become a radical left-wing Party, bent on the creation of an iron-fisted, totalitarian utopia. For today’s Democrats, it is the Party, and the Party, and the Party. For a long time, I attributed this, in large part, to the Obama cult of personality. As such, I expected that, when Obama achieved lame duck status, i.e., right now, elected Democrats would separate from Obama and moderate, in expectation of the next election, with no Obama on the ballot. I was wrong. The Democrat crusade to enhance the power of the State and to abridge individual liberty shows no sign of stopping. They lost the House in 2010, and they lost the Senate in 2014, but the Democrats have not stopped. Their radical left-wing agenda is more important to the Democrats than any other issue. We’re $18 trillion in debt, but don’t curtail spending. Millions of college educated Americans can’t find jobs, but don’t try to stop us from throwing the borders open to millions of illegals. Half the country is freezing this winter, and it might be a good idea to limit the power of Middle East oil producers, but they just voted against the Keystone Pipeline. Nothing is so important that it won’t be sacrificed to advance the Democrat agenda; even the State of Israel. Il Duce Obama opposes Prime Minister Netanyahu, and has his minions in Israel working to defeat him there. Obama has chosen to back Iranian murderers over our perennial ally, and the Democrats fell right in line. It didn’t used to be that way. Once upon a time, there were moderate, and even conservative Democrats. In 1964, LBJ wanted a tax cut. He had overwhelming Democrat majorities in Congress. Yet Senate Finance Committee Chairman Harry Byrd, a Democrat, would not allow the bill to be voted on until his President proved that the federal government would actually cut spending. Byrd put the Country over his Party. Today, no Democrat, or Republican for that matter, would take such a stand. It is high time that the only thoughts of all of our elected representatives should be of the Country, and the Country, and the Country.
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