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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Potemkin Village Idiot

Now within three months of the presidential election, the Democrats, those self-avowed champions and protectors of democracy, have settled on Kackling Kamala Harris as their candidate.

In order to demonstrate their steadfast devotion to democracy, the Dems have shoved aside Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden, thereby cancelling the votes of the more than 14 million people who voted for him in the primaries.  The Dems quickly repaired this assault on democracy by holding a private “virtual roll call vote” online to install Kamala as their new standard bearer.  That was fine though, because, after privately anointing Kamala, they publicly announced that Kamala had “earned” the nomination.

The Hollywood contingent of the Party then went to work.  They began by erasing the fact that, about three months ago, leading Democrats, including many Hollywood A-list A-holes, wanted Kamala removed from the ticket, because her ineptitude was dragging Biden down.

Accordingly, Kamala is now, according to the Democrat Spin (a/k/a lie) Machine, the second coming of Il Duce Obama.  The bullshit is so pervasive, that even Kamala is beginning to believe it.  In her limited public statements, almost all of which were at one rally, Kamala is talking tough about what she’ll do to Donald Trump.

In order to maintain the illusion that Kamala is competent, she hasn’t answered one question from the media, not even from one of her fawning lap dogs.  The only thing she’s made clear is that she won’t debate Trump on Fox News.  I wonder why?

This week, Kamala chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.  It was expected that Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro would be the choice, but it turned out he was too articulate, too ambitious, and too Jewish for the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party.

The media dutifully went about the cleansing of Walz’s record, declaring Walz to be a moderate Midwesterner.  Nothing could be further from the truth, as Walz is the most extreme leftist Governor in the nation.  As Kamala is the most extreme leftist Senator in the nation, she and Walz seem to be made for each other.  Members of the Squad hailed the Walz choice.  I rest my case.

Walz and Kamala are in agreement on every issue.  He supports unlimited illegal immigration, and higher taxes to fund illegal immigrant housing, education and medical benefits.  In 2020, Walz let Black Lives Matter burn down Minneapolis, to express his dedication to DEI, actually saying that the presence of law enforcement would cause more violence.

And Walz is in favor of every nutty green, climate change, and gender proposal, including installing tampon dispensers in elementary school Boy’s Rooms.  Walz also is a fascist, as he proved during the Wuhan lockdowns, when he sponsored a “rat out your neighbor” hotline to jail citizens who dared walk their dogs or visit a friend.  Simply put, he’s nuts.  So, Harris and Walz -Perfect Together.

But because the Harris-Walz campaign is nothing more than a Hollywood production, the American public will hear little of the truth, which will be skillfully camouflaged, or is it Kamalaflaged?  The substance will never be seen, as only the cheerful facade will be visible.

It occurred to me that the Harris-Walz campaign is a modern day Potemkin Village.  Grigory Potemkin was a Russian nobleman, who was one of the many lovers of Empress Catherine the Great.  In 1783, Potemkin led the Russian Army’s invasion and conquest of Crimea. (Some things never change).

Potemkin boasted about having turned Crimea into a thriving part of Russia, which was far from the truth.  When Empress Catherine wanted to tour her new paradise, Potemkin reportedly constructed pasteboard facades, and imported cheering peasants to wave as Catherine’s boat passed by.

The phrase “Potemkin village” has endured and is used to describe a situation in which an undesirable reality is hidden behind an impressive facade designed to deceive observers into thinking the reality is better than it actually is.  What better description could there be for the dishonest facade that has been constructed over the Harris-Walz campaign?

The Democrats can’t tell you the truth for two reasons.  First, the truth belies the notion that the Democrat ticket is in the political mainstream, or as Nancy Pelosi laughingly claimed this week, “right down the middle.”  She didn’t explain the middle of what?

It was one thing when the media sold us Joe Biden as a supposed moderate.  Biden was around for a hundred years, and he had survived by supporting, or at least pretending to be in favor of whatever position was in vogue at the time.  Kamala (or is it Scamala?), has never been on the conservative side of any issue.

She supported the end of oil and gas production, a ban on fracking, an end to private medical insurance, unlimited abortion, unlimited illegal immigration, racial reparations, and a guaranteed income.  In 2017, she exhorted supporters to “stay Woke.”  As President Trump has observed, “Everything Woke turns to shit.”  Take a look at California.  He was right.  While Tim Walz was permitting BLM to commit arson, murder and theft, Kamala was raising $40 million to bail out the arsonists, murderers and thieves.  Harris-Walz truly is a marriage made in Hell.

Since her “nomination” Kamala (or is it Khameleon?) has attempted to walk back many of these positions.  In light of her flip-flops, and her unfortunate tendency to descend into word salad whenever she speaks, Democrats are shielding Kamala from the media, the public, and from debates.  She’s joining Biden in the basement.


The problem is, she can run, but try as they may, they can’t hide her forever.

Creating a Potemkin Village is all well and good, but, at the end of the day, the inescapable conclusion will be that Kamala is the Potemkin Village idiot.

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