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FRANK ON FRIDAY – President Trump, The New Colossus

Continuing to prove that Il Duce Obama wasted his 8 years in office, President Trump last weekend continued his flurry of activity when he issued his long-promised Executive Order instituting a 90 to 120 day suspension of entry to the United States from 7 countries (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia).  This action came as a surprise to the Left, which had to mobilize its rent-a-mobs on short notice for protests at airports.  I bet they had to pay time and a half on the weekend.  The Executive Order should not have been a surprise, as Donald Trump has been talking about such action since he began his presidential campaign long, long ago.  The promised action was a temporary suspension of entry by people from the specified countries to permit a review and overhaul of the vetting system, in order to ensure that we are not permitting into America terrorists who are likely to do us harm.  After all, as a wise public servant once said, “For an immigration policy to make sense, it is necessary to make distinctions between those who obey the law and those who violate it.”  No, the speaker wasn’t Donald Trump, it was the late Democratic Congresswoman, Barbara Jordan.  Yes children, once upon a time, there were some Democrats who were reasonable.  The Trump Executive Order is designed to keep Americans safe in their homes and on the streets, which is the first duty of government.  Now, an action designed to enhance national security, so as to save the lives of Americans shouldn’t be controversial, right?  Wrong.  The Leftists went nuts, which is to say, they acted normally, because they are nuts.  There were immediate calls for impeachment, because the Order was unconstitutional.  No, it wasn’t.  In fact, the 7 countries on the exclusion list were the same 7 dangerous nations singled out by Il Duce Obama in legislation he signed in 2015.  That doesn’t matter.  Then again, Obama issued Executive Orders suspending entry by Syrians and Iranians in 2012, and by Libyans in 2016.  Nobody complained.  Nobody claimed that was unconstitutional.  It wasn’t.  President Trump’s Order was labelled a “ban on Muslims.”  Now, I understand that liberals don’t like to be burdened by the facts, but there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and Trump’s Order doesn’t limit entry from countries with over 1 billion Muslims, so if the Order was supposed to be a Muslim ban, it’s a damn poor ban.  An Executive Order affecting entry to the United States is not a novelty.  In 1930, Herbert Hoover ordered that no immigrant was to be admitted unless he could support himself.  In the depths of the Depression, the Order slashed immigration by 90%.  Apparently, restricting entry for financial reasons is legal, but restrictions for national security is not.  Democrats are nuts, see above.  Jimmy Carter suspended entry of Iranians in 1979, after the Iranians imprisoned our diplomats.  Nobody thought that was illegal.  The Left is protesting the Trump Order for two reasons.  First, Trump is an existential threat to Democrats, so they will complain about everything he does.  Secondly, we are in that transitional period between the Obama world, where there were no borders, and we had a President who didn’t acknowledge the threat of Islamic terrorism, and the Trump world, where we actually intend to enforce our laws and secure our borders.  How novel, and how controversial?  The truth is, we actually have a long history of restrictions on immigration, for you see, the regulation of immigration is one of the very few constitutional responsibilities granted to the federal government.  The history of such regulation highlights the contrast between what government once was and what it has become.  In 1875, we  prohibited the entry of convicts and prostitutes.  Today, Democrats oppose a President who wants to expel immigrants who have committed crimes in this country, and our elected officials are whores.  In 1882, we prohibited lunatics, idiots, and persons likely to become public charges.  Today, lunatics and idiots populate Hollywood and New York City, and we just got rid of a President who actively solicited the entry of immigrants guaranteed to become public charges.  In 1903, we prohibited political radicals.  Today, we call them Democrats.  In 1906, we required immigrants to have knowledge of English.  Today, Ingles?  Que es Ingles?  The next year, we excluded those with tuberculosis.  Today, there is a tuberculosis epidemic on the southern border, courtesy of the hundreds of thousands of illegals admitted by Obama.  And, since no one was looking, the illegals also brought with them chicken pox, measles and whooping cough.  Thank you Il Duce.  The Executive Order issued by President Trump should not have been controversial, but today’s Democrats have declared total war on this President.  They actually have announced a “scorched Earth” policy when it comes to anything proposed by Republicans.  As I write this, about 10 Cabinet appointees have yet to be voted on in the Senate.  The hateful (and teary eyed) Chuck Schumer has vowed to further delay those votes.  Protests of the Trump Order have ranged from the vitriolic to the nonsensical.  We even have been treated to the ridiculous argument that the Trump Order somehow offends the Statue of Liberty.  They cited the famous poem, The New Colossus, by Emma Lazarus, i.e., “bring us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” etc.  As the Great One, Mark Levin, recently noted, it’s the Statue of Liberty, not the Statue of Immigration, and she’s holding a torch, not a Molotov cocktail.  What’s more, the Statue is holding a book of law, not a welfare application, or an ISIS proclamation announcing a fatwa.  What President Trump has done was both necessary and reasonable, and it was long overdue.  For the record, after 8 years of Obama, it’s Americans who are tired, poorer, and yearning to breathe free.  The Trump Executive Order was a breath of fresh air, and the Left had better understand that Donald Trump is the New Colossus.

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