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FRANK ON FRIDAY- Remember Normal?

Indulging nostalgia may be a sign of advancing age, but I can’t help longing for the Good Old Days.  The days, not so long ago, when our world was normal.  Remember Normal?  That’s a question often posed by conservative talk show host Chris Plante (WMAL radio 105.9 9-noon, and NewsMax TV).  Chris Plante even sells “Remember Normal?” apparel.  It’s a pertinent question these days because the concept of normality (or what President Warren G. Harding called “normalcy”) has been stood on its head.

The things that used to be normal are normal no longer.  Once, politicians from both Parties agreed that illegal immigration was unacceptable.  Not anymore.  Once, all officials agreed that law enforcement was beneficial and necessary.  Not anymore.  Once, all officials agreed that excessive public debt was ruinous and unacceptable.  Not anymore.  And most importantly, once, we had journalists who saw it as their duty to uncover government corruption and malfeasance.  But not anymore.

In less than a month you have a choice to make.  It’s a stark choice, between two diametrically opposed visions of the future.  It’s not a political choice any longer, not simply a choice between two political Parties.  It’s a choice between a future of freedom,  normalcy and plenty, or one of fear, servitude and deprivation.  As Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden says, “No lie.”

This is not an election where we must choose the lesser of two evils.  This time, Democrats have cornered the market.  Kamala Harris clearly represents both the lesser and the evil.  Which is not to say that I view Donald Trump through rose colored glasses.  He’s not perfect.  None of us is.  But when we weigh the blunt, braggadocios, abrasive, billionaire business man against the lying, hiding, vacuous, Socialist wrecking ball that is Kamala Harris, it’s no contest.

LBJ was fond of quoting his mentor, Sam Rayburn, who taught that, “Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a carpenter to build one.”  The 2024 election is a contest between the Carpenter and the Jackass.

Consider their backgrounds.  Trump the real estate developer and builder.  Sure, he grew up in a well to do family, but that’s no vice.  The woods are full of heirs to businesses who turned millions into thousands.  It’s the rare heir who has the ability to turn millions into billions.  Donald Trump is such a man.  Kamala, on the other hand, is a creature of government, who’s been handed every job she’s ever had, including the presidential nomination.

And as for all the lying hand-wringing about Trump, the threat to freedom and democracy, remember this – only one candidate in this election has a proven track record of accomplishment.  We need not speculate about what Trump will do because he’s done it already.

In his first term, Trump gave us lower taxes, higher wages, no inflation, low energy prices, energy independence, a secure border, law and order, greatly improved trade agreements, no wars, and China, Iran, Russia and North Korea under control.  He can do it all again, and we need it more now than in 2016.

On the other side of the ledger we have Kamala, the heir to the legacy of Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden.  Harris and Biden took each of the accomplishments listed in the above paragraph and made every one of them worse.  Runaway inflation has stolen the bread from the table of every American.  The world in on the brink of war.  The admission of millions of illegal aliens has cost us billions, sacrificed our safety, overburdened our schools, housing and hospitals, and put the jobs of millions of Americans at risk.

In a rare interview, Kamala was asked whether admitting the millions of invaders was a mistake.  As usual, she dodged and dithered.  “It’s a longstanding problem.  And solutions are at hand.  And from day one, literally, we have been offering solutions.” The reporter pressed her, “What I was asking was, was it a mistake to kind of allow that flood to happen in the first place?”  Harris replied that “The policies that we have been proposing are about fixing a problem, not promoting a problem.”  It was no mistake.  Erasing the border was Democrat policy.

Kamala is often accused of spouting word salad, but that’s a euphemism.  She’s not a word salad purveyor, she’s a lying bullshit artist.  She’s not fixing any problem.  She and her senile boss created the problems, and their actions have proven more ruinous than anyone suspected.

Democrats bashed Trump for saying that the illegal alien invaders were coming here from prisons and asylums, remember?  Last week we were informed, by the Immigration and Naturalization Service that, among the untold millions of illegal aliens Kamala let loose on unsuspecting Americans, are nearly 14,000 convicted murderers, more than 16,000 convicted sex offenders, and more than 400,000 other criminals, convicted of a variety of crimes.  Who does that to their own citizens?  I guess we should have expected as much from the person who raised money to bail out rioters, and as California AG, ensured that convicted murderers could get sex change operations at public expense.   It’s just not normal.

We’re $36 trillion in debt, but Kamala wants to spend several hundred trillion more.  Trump lowered taxes.  Kamala wants to raise them, “to make the rich pay their fair share.”  The top 10% of earners now pay 72% of the taxes, while the bottom 50% pay under 3%.  When do we reach fairness?  Kamala even wants to tax unrealized capital gains.  You bought a stock that doubled in value, but haven’t sold it yet?  The value of your house increased?  Kamala wants 28% of the paper profit.  Where will you get the money?  Forced sales of stock that will crash the market, or a home equity loan so you can transfer your equity to the government.  It’s just not normal.

Kamala and company have supported positions that are designed to destroy America as we have known it.  The military is less concerned with fighting wars than with gender equity and pronoun purity.  The CIA is actively recruiting transgender agents.  Consider that.  The model for a spy is a low profile person, someone who will blend into the crowd.  So does this make sense?

Hardly.  It’s just not normal.

Kamala keeps bleating that it’s time to “turn the page,” by which I guess she means a new president with new policies.  There a a couple of problems with this.  First, she has announced no policy changes.  Secondly, this week, Kamala went on a TV show, The Herd, or was it The View?  Anyhow, one of the heifers asked her, “Would you have done anything different than Biden?”  Surprisingly, the truth slipped out,”There is not a thing that comes to mind.”

That Kamala is on the same inept and dangerous page as Biden became abundantly clear this week, as they proved themselves unable to manage the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which devastated North Carolina.  Joe Biden, on the beach in Delaware, neglected to mobilize the many nearby military bases to get aid to the area.  When asked about it he said, “What storm?,” and then said the people had everything they need.

Then, after Trump arrived with tractor trailers of food and water for the storm victims, Kamala belatedly visited the D.C. offices of FEMA to boost the morale of the bureaucrats.  This was political malpractice, and a blatant disregard for her constituents.  It proved her unfit to lead, and it’s just not normal.

So, soon you need to choose.  Trump likes to say, “Even if you don’t like me, you have to vote for me.”  He’s got a point.  We’re desperately in need of a strong leader.  You can choose normal, or what Mel Brooks once called , “Abby Normal.”  You can have Trump and Vance, or Kamala de Vil and Elmer Fudd.

Not such a hard choice after all, is it?

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