No, not Wiley Coyote – super genius
Smiley Coyote – super moron
On the heels of the passage of the phony, bloated $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, about 1/8 of which will actually go to building and rebuilding projects, the Biden Administration has embarked on a campaign to convince the American public that its $1.75 trillion (really $4 trillion) “Build Back Better” bill, also known as, the Bolshevik Bullshit Blowout, should also be passed. You see, that noted economist, Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden, has decided that the cure for runaway inflation, this week pegged at 8.3%, is trillions of dollars of additional deficit spending. Oh wait, I misspoke. Having received his doctorate in economics from John Blutarsky University (“Grab a brew, it don’t cost nothing”), Biden has proclaimed that the $4 trillion boondoggle, “Won’t cost anything.” And if you believe that one, Joe has a bridge he will first rebuild, and then sell you. Joe Biden and the merry band of Wokesters who run the government clearly think all of us are gullible, stupid, not paying attention, or all of the above. On top of this, adding the ultimate insult to the chronic injury which is the Biden presidency, is a newly discovered plan to pay a minimum of $450,000 to illegal aliens who were separated from their children when they illegally entered the United States. Biden seems to like alliteration, ala “Build Back Better,” so lets call this insult, “Wetback Welfare Wonderland.” Lest I not once again misspeak, while technically it’s not welfare, it is no less an outrage. It’s necessary to explore details that the lapdog media chooses to omit in order to understand the depth and breadth of this latest fraud on the taxpayer. Facially, it has to do with what has come to be known as the Flores Settlement Agreement. In truth, the real impetus behind Biden’s WWW plan is the fact that Republican presidents choose to enforce our immigration laws, while Democrats are content to ignore them. Back in 1985 (Ronald Reagan was president), several class action lawsuits alleged that illegal alien children were being mistreated by immigration detention policies at the border. If you search online, most websites will say “two organizations” filed these lawsuits. I suspect they don’t want to name one of the organizations as the ACLU, for reasons which will become apparent shortly. The lawsuits dragged on for years, going to the Supreme Court, and culminating in a 1997 settlement in an ACLU lawsuit entitled, Flores v. Reno. That would be Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno. Under the agreement, the government is required to release children from immigration detention without unnecessary delay. It must provide physical care, food, clothing, grooming items, medical and dental care, immunizations (except for the Wuhan), medication, education services, communication skills, English language training, recreation and leisure time, a social work staff and counseling sessions. As the agreement has evolved, no minor may be held in detention for more than 20 days. The Flores Agreement forces the government to either detain illegal alien adults separately from the minors who accompanied them, or to forget about enforcing U.S. immigration laws, and just release all of them into the country. President Trump chose to enforce the law, which meant that he had to abide by the Flores Agreement. Trump sought a way to avoid separating children from adults, by changing the Flores Agreement, but a federal court ruled that Flores had to be followed, so Trump obeyed the ruling of the court and abided by the Flores Agreement. Some 5,600 alleged families were separated by operation of U.S. law. 940 legal claims have been filed by illegal immigrants who claim they suffered lasting psychological distress due to the separations. Biden’s so-called Justice Department has indicated an intention to settle these lawsuits by paying the illegal aliens $450,000 per person for their distress. And guess what organization is negotiating the money settlements? The ACLU! That’s right, the same ACLU that convinced the court to order that children must be separated from adults, is now brokering massive payments to aliens who put the children in peril in the first place by illegally dragging them across the border. In other words, because the Trump Administration did what the ACLU and the courts ordered it to do, conduct that Biden calls “outrageous behavior,” the law breakers are now entitled to your money. One payment per case would add up to $423 million hard-earned tax dollars. If all 5,600 illegals decide to cash in, we’re talking at least $2.5 billion. That’s more than enough to finish the wall, which if completed, would put an end to this problem. But Biden, who is on track to admit 2 million illegals this year alone, has a different plan. Do nothing. If you ignore the law and never catch the illegals, then you don’t have to worry about detaining or releasing them. Ingenious, right? This plan has several key virtues for the Woke idiot crowd. It removes money from white supremecist earners, and gives it to poor migrants. It’s also another slap at Donald Trump, which is the true motivation for every Biden action. A win, win for the Woke Folk. What’s more, it bolsters U.S.-Mexican relations, by greatly aiding Mexican coyotes, the criminals who transport illegals over the border. In essence, it turns Joe Biden into the ultimate coyote, hence, Smiley Coyote. The $450,000 payment plan, which Biden first called a “garbage accusation,” then later admitted he favored, will only encourage more illegals to cross the border. It’s financially ruinous. It’s an insult to all American citizens. And worst of all, it’s bad law, and a terrible legal precedent. The cause of action for infliction of emotional distress is what’s called a tort claim. In order to be entitled to a recovery, you have to prove someone, in this case the government, either intentionally or negligently did something wrong that resulted in your distress. Biden’s Justice Department clown show skipped over the “did something wrong” part. What we have here are people who committed illegal acts, willingly involved children in their illegality, were accorded every consideration that the courts have obliged the government to supply since 1997, and now claim you owe them money. I’ve been a lawyer 41 years, and I don’t understand that one. And the so-called Justice Department is buying this crap. I sent hundreds of people to prison as a prosecutor. No doubt many suffered emotional distress thereby. The point is, if your distress was caused by the proper operation of the law, you have no legal claim. Biden’s plan is not justice, it’s madness.
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