With Earth Day once again at our throats, I thought it would be refreshing to view the climate change debate from the perspective of fact, rather than fiction. The orthodox view is that the temperature of the Earth is rising and will continue to rise due to man-made increases in CO2. Unless we take drastic action, which means shutting down fossil fuel industries and empowering government to impose crippling regulations and new taxes on us, we are doomed. People who subscribe to this view do so with a pseudo religious fervor. They are fanatics, or perhaps a more climate related label would be, “lunatics.” The climate lunatics have taken over government agencies responsible for monitoring global climate. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) claims that global temperatures have risen 4.5 degrees in 100 years, oceans are rising, CO2 is at record levels and we won’t survive much longer. The temperature data is key to this theory. Only much of the data is false. The NOAA data comes from, or is supposed to come from 1,218 U. S. Historical Climatology Network stations. However, many of these stations fail to report temperature data. When that happens, NOAA substitutes “estimated” temperatures for real readings. In 1970, about 10% of the data was missing, but that number has increased to almost 50%. This means almost half the current adjusted data is fake. NOAA uses computer models for the estimates. These models are programmed to tell us that man-made CO2 emissions cause global warming. Simply put, the models build in the current bias toward man-made climate change. The models artificially cool pre-2000 temperatures and insert artificially warmer temperatures for dates after 2000. The models “created” a nearly 2.5 degree increase in global temperatures since 1895. Only the actual records don’t support such a conclusion. Consider this chart
The blue line is from actual temperature records. The red line, which purports to prove recently rising temperatures, comes from “adjusted” (or fabricated) temperature data. The real temperature readings from NOAA show that U.S. temperatures were warmest in the 1930’s and have generally cooled as CO2 has increased. The preceding facts admittedly were derived from the website of an admitted non-scientist and provocateur. No scientist would subscribe to such heresy, right? Wrong! Dan Lubin, is a research physicist with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego. He has written, “There has now been over 18 years with very little atmospheric warming (with the exception of the recent El Nino from natural causes) and in spite of ever increasing amounts of CO2.” “Global temperatures increased for twenty years from the late 1970s to the late 1990s but have either stopped warming or have even begun to cool in the last eighteen years. The global warming and subsequent cooling were even predictable due to hundreds of years of historical trends and observation of the impact of variations in solar activity and ocean cycles on global temperatures.” What about that CO2 level? According to Lubin, CO2 levels are today, among the lowest in the past 600 million years. There were three ice ages with more CO2 than today, one had fifteen times more. The Roman and Medieval Periods both were warmer than today. The world then cooled several degrees from 1450 to 1850. This was called the Little Ice Age. Global temperatures the past 10,000 years were also often warmer than today. These temperature variations were not caused by man. Dr. Ivar Giaever, a Nobel Prize-Winner for physics in 1973, declared his dissent on man-made global warming claims at a Nobel forum in 2015. Dr. Giaever announced, “I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem.” Although he previously supported Barrack Obama, Giaever said, “Obama said last year that 2014 is hottest year ever. But it’s not true. It’s not the hottest.” The Nobel prize winner questioned the basis for rising carbon dioxide fears. “When you have a theory and the theory does not agree with the experiment then you have to cut out the theory. You were wrong with the theory.” Giaever’s own climate research was eye opening. “I was horrified by what I found.” Then Dr. Giaever hit the nail on the head, “Global warming really has become a new religion. Because you cannot discuss it. It’s not proper. It is like the Catholic Church.” “The facts are that in the last 100 years we have measured the temperatures it has gone up .8 degrees and everything in the world has gotten better. So how can they say it’s going to get worse when we have the evidence? It must be politics.” But Giaever’s a physicist, no climate scientist would say such a thing, right? Wrong! Glaciologist Dr. Terry Hughes is a professor emeritus of the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute & School of Earth and Climate Sciences. Dr. Hughes says a number of his colleagues “have urged me to march in lockstep with Albert Gore, the drum major in the parade denouncing global warming as an unmitigated disaster.” “It’s human nature for them to pound the panic drum.” Dr, Hughes isn’t convinced global warming will be as bad as feared. “In fact, it’s going to be a big plus, in the balance.” — More atmospheric CO2 would greatly increase agricultural production.” And he warns that the global warming fanaticism may actually be dangerous. “We know that endgame: A sheet of ice thousands of feet thick from south of the Great Lakes across the North Pole almost to the Mediterranean Sea, the situation only 18,000 years ago. Why is that scenario never stated? Would reductions in atmospheric carbon dioxide trigger that calamity?” Now, we don’t know if Dr’s. Giaever and Hughes are right, and that’s precisely the point. We disrupt our economies and tamper with our climate at our peril. Remember the words of that late great philosopher, George Carlin. “The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!”
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