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FRANK ON FRIDAY – The Deep State Lives

They say the more things change, the more they stay the same. The turn of recent events keeps bringing me back to my time working for Branch Motors Express.  It was a trucking company, where the union employees routinely told their non-union supervisors, “I was here when you came, and I’ll be here when you go.”  Such is the attitude of the Deep State as regards Presidents in general and President Trump in particular.  No matter who gets elected, the Deep State swamp creatures continue to operate the levers of power.
This comes in the wake of the latest Media frenzy over President Trump.  The Media is shocked, shocked, that the President has alleged that his campaign was infiltrated by U.S. government spies.  “How dare he say such a thing without any real evidence?  He made it up.”  Of course, Trump is only commenting on things published in the New York Times and Washington Post, and acknowledged by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, so there may be no real evidence.  Chuck Todd of MSNBC no less (and there is no less), found the spy allegation to be incredible.  Someone named Charlie Savage, of the aforementioned New York Times, wallowing in his own ignorance, bemoaned that by ordering an investigation of the investigators, Trump “is actually asserting control over the apparatus of law enforcement.  That is new.  That is a line he is crossing.”  No Charlie, as the Chief Executive, the President is the chief law enforcement officer of the United States.  When wrongdoing is alleged, it is the duty of the President to assert control over the Justice Department.   That’s his job.  The controversy was fanned by Trey Gowdy, who, without having been shown any of the documents the FBI has been withholding from Congress for two years, declared that the FBI conducted its investigation “by the book.”  The relevant question is “by what book?”  The answer seems to be, George Orwell’s 1984. Think of the Deep State as Orwell’s Big Brother, whose Ministry of Truth (represented by the Media) existed to rectify historical records to coincide with Big Brother’s current pronouncements so that everything the Deep State says is true.  The Media is playing its role to perfection, even translating its pronouncements into Orwell’s “Newspeak.”  Newspeak changes the language by eliminating undesirable words, and changing word meanings as a means of mind control.  In 1984, something bad is “ungood.” Thus, the Media bleats  of the investigation into Trump world, “it’s not a wiretap, it’s just surveillance,” and “it wasn’t a spy, it was just a confidential informant.”  Susan Rice wrote a Memo to herself on January 20, 2017, swearing that Barack Obama told her to conduct the illegal surveillance “by the book,” therefore whatever the government did to Trump must have been legitimate.  In this, the Media is indulging in Orwell’s “duckspeak,” the voicing of political orthodoxy without thinking.  “Nothing to see here, move along!”  As detailed in last week’s F on F, the CIA framed George Papadopolous with a story about Russia having Hillary’s emails, then sicced the FBI on him and Trump world for repeating what the CIA had told him.  Consider the timing.  When CIA, or MI6, or Russian FSB (or all of the above) operative, Joseph Mifsud, told Papadopolous about Hillary’s hacked emails in April 2016, that information was hardly a secret.  Our government knew Hillary’s State Department server was hacked as early as 2013.  In July 2015, the State Dept. Inspector General found classified documents on Hillary’s illegal private server, and turned the evidence over to the FBI’s Office of Counterintelligence.  Not coincidentally, that Office was run by one Peter Strozk, the FBI’s conduit to CIA Director Brennan, the same agent who interviewed General Flynn, and Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton.  Strozk  then was tasked to go to London to interview Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, to whom a drunken Papadopolous repeated what he had been told by Mifsud.  So the CIA and FBI planted the story it used to begin the Trump investigation.  “By the book,” right?  In the Orwellian world of the Deep State, whatever Big Brother does must be good.  Thus, the Leftists’ delusions of rectitude, render them unable to comprehend why Donald Trump is complaining about being spied on.  James Clapper even said last week that Trump should have been grateful for the spying, “It was only to protect him.”  Now, this is the same James Clapper who has called Donald Trump “a Russian asset” whose case agent is Vladimir Putin.  Clapper later amended these comments, explaining that he was “only speaking figuratively.”  So, let’s see, Trump is a traitor, but only figuratively.  That makes it alright.  This is also the same James Clapper who, on May 30, 2018 admitted he saw no “smoking gun evidence” of Trump collusion with Russia while in office, or since he left office.  How he could have seen any evidence after he left the government was not explained.  The point of this exercise is that the Deep State has been in business, and never goes out of business regardless of who we vote for.  Trump is wrong about one thing.  He said that we have never seen such spying by the government before.  In fact we have.  In 1964, Lyndon Johnson enlisted the CIA and FBI to spy on Barry Goldwater’s campaign.  The FBI conducted illegal wiretaps on Goldwater’s phones.  Sound familiar?  The CIA implanted its operative E. Howard Hunt, in the Goldwater campaign.  Yes, the same E. Howard Hunt who later became famous as a Watergate burglar.  This proves one thing – the Deep State is not partisan.  Johnson was a Democrat who used the Deep State to spy on Republicans, and Nixon was a Republican whose operatives used it to spy on their Democrat foes.  Why would law enforcement people do things that are patently illegal?     J. Edgar Hoover explained it to Watergate figure Robert Mardian, “You do what the President tells you to do.”  That’s what Comey and Brennan and Clapper were doing for Barack Obama.  Why do dirty-work for both Parties?  Job security.  Once the FBI has performed the illegal activities,  the President knows crossing the FBI may see the dirty-work exposed.  The Justice Department’s Inspector General is about to release a report detailing only a small portion of the wrongdoing.  It’s getting interesting.

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