In the interest of fairness, and they claim to be all about fairness, it is high time that the Democrat Party changes its name. By definition, a democrat is one who embraces democracy. Democracy envisions a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised through the electoral system. In short, a representative democracy. That is what the Constitution was supposed to guarantee us. Sadly, Democrats have as little regard for the Constitution as they do for election results. Sure, they like to say that elections count, but notice that they only say that after an election they have won. Case in point, they said that after 2008, but in 2010 and 2014, not so much. The dirty little secret is that Democrats will tolerate the electoral system when it benefits them, and will ignore it when it does not. The democratic system gave us a Republican Congress, but that isn’t an impediment to Il Duce Obama. If the Congress won’t give him what he wants, he’ll just do it himself. Democracy be damned. This truth was in evidence again this week, after an off-year election that largely went against Democrats and liberals. In Houston Texas, a ballot initiative which would have permitted those who considered themselves to be “trans-gendering” to use the public restroom of their choice was voted down 61% to 39%. Remember, this is the City of Houston, which gave a majority of its votes to Obama in 2012. Had this measure passed, I’m sure its proponents would have told us that elections have consequences. But the people spoke and they lost, so what did they do? They have started a petition to have the NFL move the 2017 Superbowl out of Houston. Democracy is just not good enough, you see. This is nothing new. Majority rule is a thing of the past in America. Don’t get me wrong. Minorities deserve nothing less than the full protection of the law. However, the trend seems to be to bore down to ever more elusive minorities. Simply put, at what point is the minority so small that its accommodation is an injustice to the majority? To Democrats, there is no minority so small that it doesn’t justify the discomfort of the vast majority. While that may be a noble sentiment, it makes no sense. Nobody really knows how many trans-gender people there are. You will find an estimate of 0.3% of the population. But even the word “estimate” gives this figure too much credit. They arrived at 0.3% by taking a Massachusetts poll result of 0.5% and a California poll result of 0.1%, and by a process described by an LGBT demographer as “statistical gymnastics,” settling on 0.3%. I was never much good at math, but that just doesn’t add up. No matter. The real question is whether fundamental fairness should permit 0.3% of the population to be accommodated in the face of the opposition and discomfort of the remaining 99.7%? But I digress. Back to the point of this exercise, if Democrats don’t respect the voice of the people when they lose an election, then they should not call themselves Democrats. Several other names come to mind. The Dictator Party, The Mastermind Party, no, not catchy enough. Let’s see, Democrats only pretend to believe in democracy. I’ve got it. The Great Pretender Party. Maybe they can get the Platters to do the theme song. They don’t even have to change the lyrics much, “Our need is such, we pretend too much. We’re phonies, but no one can tell.” To quote Il Duce, “yes we can.”
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