
"Preserve, Protect and Condemn explores the future of government controlled healthcare in America. The bad news is that you might not have one."


It often is said that Americans should not have to pin their futures on and trust their freedom to the agreement of five Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court on some case before that body.  That is a lovely sentiment, however, the reality is that, more and more, that is precisely what Americans are required to do.  If all the Justices sitting on the Supreme Court were dedicated to the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, which it is supposed to be; if the Justices were dedicated to the separation of powers that the Framers intended; if they understood and accepted that the Federal government was created by the States, and not the other way around; if they all accepted that the Ninth and Tenth Amendments in the Bill of Rights exist and actually mean something; then we would not be at the mercy of five Justices.  Sadly, too many of the Justices serve, not the law, but their political agendas.  That is why the election of 2016 is so important.  The recent 8 year unpleasantness, which we know as the Obama Administration, has added two liberal partisans to the Court, Justices Sotomayor  and Kagan.   They, along with Justices Ginsberg and Breyer, do not regard the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, so much as a movable feast for liberalism, under which whatever left-wing flavor of the month they advocate may be declared a “right.”  And, this is why the upcoming election is so important.  Most people expect the next President to appoint two or three new Justices to the Court, and maybe more.  Another Democrat President will see the Court populated by more Justices who serve not the law, but their political agenda.  We cannot afford such a prospect.  The other day, Hillary Clinton said she might appoint Il Duce Obama to the Court, noting, after all “he was a law professor.”  Let’s deal with that first.  Obama never was a law professor.  On his graduation from Harvard Law School, Obama got a call from the Dean of the University of Chicago Law School, who asked Obama if he had any interest in teaching law.  According to Dean Baird, Obama said “No,” and added that he was planning to write a book about voting rights.  The Dean offered Obama an office, a computer, a secretary, a $60,000 salary, health benefits, and a position as a Visiting Law and Government Fellow.  Obama stayed 12 years, and taught some courses as a Lecturer.  He could not be a professor, because he never wrote even one scholarly article.  And that book about voting rights, well, Obama never wrote that either, choosing instead to write one of the two autobiographies that he has written, and leading me, once again, to propose that no person who writes an autobiography before he or she ever has a real job should be permitted to hold any office.  Justice Obama?  Don’t worry about that, it will never happen, for several reasons.  First of all, there is a far higher probability that Hillary will be standing in front of a judge instead of appointing any judge.  Secondly, even as President, it’s unlikely she would choose Il Duce, and even less likely that he would accept.  The Court is no place for a narcissist with a Messiah complex, and there’s no limelight on the Court.  Obama couldn’t make political pronouncements, continue to raise money for his Marxist causes and constantly intrude on and upstage the next President.  The Court is too much like a real job, and any job where you have to work hard and can’t simply run your mouth is not the right job for a totalitarian demagogue.  Finally, and hopefully, Obama won’t wind up on the Court because we will elect a conservative Republican as the next President.  We’ll start that process next week in Iowa.  If we manage to nominate a real conservative, instead of Side-Show Donald, we may have a chance.

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