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FRANK ON FRIDAY – The Fakest Show on Earth

Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus used to be called The Greatest Show on Earth.  The title of this week’s edition comes to us via the great New York Post columnist, Miranda Devine.  Commenting on the Democrat Convention, Ms. Devine noted that the Democrats put on the fakest show on Earth at the DNC, with Kamala Harris shamelessly impersonating a tough-on-crime moderate.

Ms. Devine wrote, “A funny thing happened at the Democratic National Convention last week.  Not only has Kamala Harris stolen Donald Trump’s no-tax-on-tips policy but her party shape-shifted into MAGA Republicans in front of our eyes.”  She’s right.

Things got so bad that I fully expected the Democrat candidate to announce she’s changing her name from Kamala to KaMaga.  Of course, if she did make the change, we still would need to endure the endless lessons on proper pronunciation.  “It’s not KaMa’ga, It’s Ka’Maga.”  As far as I’m concerned, it should be pronounced Scamala, or is that Sca’mala?

In order to understand the mindset of the leftist denizens of the Democrat Party, it’s necessary to grasp the concept that Democrats know full well that the whacky policies they support aren’t supported by the majority of the voters.  For that reason, every four years, it’s necessary for Democrats to pretend to be moderates.

Every four years, we’re told it’s time for the Democrat to “run to the middle.”  The example always given is that of Bill Clinton in 1996.  The difference is that, while Clinton actually did support moderate policies in his second term, today’s Democrats have no intention of changing course.  They simply understand that they must lie to the voters in order to win, and they’re happy to do it.

It’s an indication of the Left’s reliance on Soviet tactics.  They’ve taken to heart the words of Russian-born writer Elena Gorokhova, who described life in 1970’s Russia in her book, A Mountain of Crumbs, “The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.”

In 2024, Democrats are hoping that voters will believe them one more time, no matter how hard their lies may be to believe.  And they have been telling some whoppers.

The woman who wanted to defund the police, who refused to prosecute priests who molested thousands of young men, and who raised money to bail out violent criminals, is suddenly “a tough on crime prosecutor.”

The Party that formerly prized flag burners over flag wavers, suddenly turned patriotic.  Delegates inside the Hall chanted “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!”  Meanwhile, the terrorist-loving left wing protestors outside in the street were chanting “Death to …” in between every “U.S.A.,” but we won’t dwell on that.

The Party that continually lectures us about “toxic masculinity,”whatever that is, transformed itself into a Party of hearty backwoodsmen, simply by donning camouflage pattern hats.  That should help them carry the Midwest.  John Kerry tried it in 2004.

He borrowed a shotgun, put on an outfit that made him look like Elmer Fudd, and strolled into a store in Ohio asking, “Hey, can I get me a hunting license here?”

Then in November … well, maybe that’s a bad example.

Worst of all, the campaign of the candidate who, as the Border Czarina, is responsible for the admission of more than 10 million illegal aliens into the United States announced that Kamala is tougher than Trump on the border, and will, get this, build a border wall.  Meanwhile, her pick for Vice-President is on record promising that, if the wall is 25 feet high, he’ll invest in a 30 foot ladder company.  I guess that’s what they call “diversity.”

All the Democrat delegates were in on the lies, and they’re perfectly willing to attempt to perpetrate one more fraud on the electorate.  Armed with a media they know will repeat their lies, the Democrat strategy is to promise to deliver Trump’s policies without the evil and hated Trump, get elected, and then switch back to Socialist.  Witness a speaker at a DNC “Black Caucus” meeting letting the cat out of the bag, “We got 70 days to act right . . .  After 70 days, we can go back to acting crazy.”  You’re being played America.

No Democrat ever has made such a blatant admission of that Party’s disregard for the truth and the voters as the foregoing.  I hate to dwell on the similarities of today’s Democrat Party to the Soviet system of government, but they’re inescapable.

Ever notice that every nation that has “Democratic” or “People’s” Republic in its name is a stone cold totalitarian dictatorship?  Like the U.S. Democrat Party, they all talk about “democracy.”  Most even have elections.  They go by the motto, “One man, one vote,” with one addition.  It’s “One man, one vote, one time.”

And like the 2024 Democrat Party, they don’t bother with troublesome things like primary elections.  When the reigning dictator has outlived his usefulness, they just stage a purge, remove him, and then the new dictator appears on the stage.  The Soviets operated that way for years.

They had Stalin.

When he died, they plugged in Malenkov –

When Malenkov proved himself weak, Khruschev appeared on the balcony –After the Cuban Missile Crisis, he had to go, so he disappeared, and Leonid Brezhnev appeared –

And so it went until the Soviet Union finally collapsed.

The selection of Komrade Kamala in July was right out of the Soviet playbook.  The millions who voted for Joe Biden were shoved aside.  No one voted for Kamala.  When a new candidate had to be chosen, as in the U.S.S.R., there was only one name on the ballot, Kamala.

The Supreme Soviet, pardon me, the DNC, annointed Kamala in a private vote of the Party faithful.  The old dictator was made to disappear, exiled to his Delaware Dacha, and the new Party leaders were revealed –

There followed a series of speeches that would have done any Soviet Communist Party Congress proud.  Progressiveism was praised, although inflation is rampant and some store shelves are bare.  Opponents were denounced as “angry,” and “reactionary,” while Progressive comrades were assured they were experiencing “joy.”

Unfortunately for Democrats, all this pomp amounts to nothing more than a giant soap bubble, which is bound to pop when it encounters a solid object.  That solid object may turn out to be one John Donald Trump at the debate scheduled for September 10.


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