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FRANK ON FRIDAY – The Fish Stinks From the Head

Am I the only one who has noticed that every time Americans are victimized by Islamic terrorists, our government assures us that it’s all our fault?  Now, when I say “government,” you know what I mean – Il Duce Obama, the  supreme arbiter of right and wrong.  Obama gets lots of practice, too.  Since he became President, the number of deaths from terrorism worldwide has more than doubled.  Right here at home, we have experienced Islamic terrorist attacks virtually every year since 2009.  In every case, the connection to an extremist Islamic motive is clear to everybody but our President.  Obama never sees the connection, but he is consistent.

2009 – A radical Muslim praises Allah as he kills 13 at Fort Hood.  Obama says, it’s “workplace violence.”  Later that year, a Muslim shooter who proclaimed himself on a jihad shoots army recruiters in Little Rock.  Obama says, it’s “a senseless act of violence.”  2009 Christmas day – the Nigerian Muslim underwear bomber, with ties to al Qaeda,  tries to blow up a plane in Detroit.  Obama says, he’s “an isolated extremist.”

2010 – A Pakistani with ties to al Qaeda plants a car bomb in Times Square.  No big deal for Obama, it’s just “a sobering reminder of the times in which we live.”  Translation, “Get used to it.”

2013 –  the Boston Marathon bombings.  The FBI says, the bombers had extremist Islamic beliefs.  Obama says, “It  was just two brothers and a crock pot.  We don’t know why they did it.”

2015 – San Bernardino killings – ISIS calls the shooters “soldiers of the caliphate.”  Obama says, “we don’t know the motive.”

2016 – Orlando – 49 dead.  The shooter proclaims his allegiance to ISIS.  ISIS calls the shooter a state fighter.  Obama says, “there’s no evidence of a link to an overseas terrorist group.”

Now, while I’m not one of those who accuses Obama of being a secret Muslim, it is extremely difficult to believe that he could be so blind.  Islamic terrorists are the enemy, and it cannot be denied that Obama is providing that enemy with considerable aid and comfort.  It’s no accident either.  It’s Obama’s policy.  Obama calls it Combating Violent Extremism, or CVE for short.  It’s a great title for a program, I mean, who could be opposed to combating violent extremism anyway?  In fact, the Republican Congress is about to re-fund the program to the tune of another $40 million this week.  And since the overwhelming volume of violent extremism comes from Islamic terrorists, CVE must be working hard to protect us from radicalized Muslims, right?  Wrong.  The Justice Department released its Threat Assessment Report right after the Boston Marathon bombings.  The DOJ concluded that the greatest threat we face from violent extremists comes from White supremicists.  But they’re watching violent Muslims too, right?  Well, not really.  In fact, the investigation of Muslims is greatly discouraged.  It’s all part of the Obama strategy to confront the threats of the 21st Century.  According to the White House, here’s how that works.  First, he banned enhanced interrogation, which, of course, is what led to the discovery and killing of Osama Bin Laden (for which Obama takes credit).  That should help.  Then, he released confirmed terrorists from Guantanamo, sent them back to the battlefield to kill more Americans, and he plans to close Guantanamo.  Sounds crazy, you say?  No, No, Obama has this figured out.  You see, according to Il Duce, when we interrogate and imprison Islamic terrorists, that only aids the recruitment of new terrorists.  And that’s not all.  WE, and by “we” Obama means non-Muslims, are responsible for creating new Islamic terrorists, because WE have failed to exhibit religious acceptance of Muslims.  It’s religious acceptance that combats violent extremism, you see.  Obama goes on to say that, “when human rights are denied, it feeds the violent extremists.”  Two things.  First, the unquestioning acceptance plan was tried in Germany.  This past New Years Eve, 379 German women in Cologne were sexually assaulted by Muslim “refugees” they had welcomed to their country.  Perhaps the German ladies were not welcoming enough.  Extremists feed on the denial of human rights?  Where is that happening?  Not here.  Not in Europe.  Human rights are denied in Muslim countries.  That’s why the refugees are fleeing to us and not away from us.

So back to CVE.  The Feds are keeping a watchful eye on those pesky White malcontents.  After a Muslim terrorist killed 49 in Orlando, the DOJ warned that threats against Muslims will not be tolerated, and civil rights violations will be prosecuted.  But what about Islamic violence?  Well, Obama says we can’t connect Muslims and terrorism in the same sentence because it gives violent extremists legitimacy.  I don’t know what that means, but he says it.  For that reason, the FBI is prohibited from investigating any religious motivation behind violence if the suspect is Muslim.   The FBI can’t investigate anti-American statements by Muslims made in social media.  Even when the suspect himself proclaims an Islamic extremist motive, we must ignore it.  Just this week, in an act reminiscent of the Watergate tape transcripts, the DOJ redacted recordings of the Orlando shooter’s telephone calls to remove his references to Islam.  Mustn’t burden us with the truth.  The FBI must “partner” with Muslim community leaders.  They may investigate an Islamic extremist motives only when the information comes from a Muslim “partner” group.  Since these groups typically are aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, or like CAIR, with Hamas, you can imagine how often that happens.

So let’s recap the Obama Doctrine.  We must welcome all Muslims to America.  To avoid hurting their feelings, we mustn’t screen them before they come over.  Once they get here, if they rape, shoot or kill us, we must understand that it’s our fault; we had it coming.  If we object, we will be prosecuted.  If they hate us, they have good reason to do so.  If, like Donald Trump, you want curtail Muslim immigration temporarily, you, like him, are a racist who hates Muslims.  On the other hand, if you’re a Muslim, you can hate everybody;  Americans, all women, Jews, Hindus, Christians, homosexuals, and anybody who disagrees with you.  No need to be tolerant.  That’s our job.  I know this sounds crazy, but Obama knows best, and as soon as he gets the guns from the hands of law-abiding Americans, we’ll all be safe.  What’s that overpowering smell?  The fish stinks from the head.


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