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FRANK ON FRIDAY – The Price Is Wrong

Welcome to week 5 of the fabulous Kamala Harris show, brought to you by the Democrat Party and its lapdog media partners.  This week, Kamala is hosting a game show entitled The Price Is Wrong.  Yes, the Kamala Harris traveling love fest has released the Harris/Walz economic plan.  Kamala announced, “When I am President, it will be a day one priority to bring down prices.  I’ll take on big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging and corporate landlords that unfairly raise rents on working families.”  Simply put, the Kamala “plan” may be summarized in three words, “government price controls.”

It’s really not surprising that Kamala’s plan relies on government price fixing, as she learned economics from her Marxist economics professor father.  Government price fixing has been a hallmark of such regimes as those in Cuba, the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and North Korea.  In every case, price control plans have failed miserably, and in every case, the Marxist nations that have tried them have wound up as economic basket cases.

Government price fixing is always touted as a means to help the consumer in inflationary times, or in times of economic crisis, but it inevitably leads to even higher inflation and shortages of products and commodities.  Kamala’s “plan,” however, has a different focus.

Try to follow the bouncing lies.  First, Kamala maintains that the Bidenomics economy is not in peril, but is strong and thriving.  She concedes that the prices of everything are up (she could hardly do otherwise), but she attributes the inflation to corporate greed, a/k/a/, price gouging.

Kamala knows a lot about inflation, because she cast the deciding vote that passed the nearly $2 trillion, fraudulently named Inflation Reduction Act.  Now, after making her contribution to the reckless spending that caused the worst inflation in 40 years, Kamala is promising to fix it, by punishing producers and retailers for nonexistent price gouging.

The fact is that the average 20% increase in retail prices mirrors the 20% increase in producer prices.  In other words, your local grocer isn’t gouging you for 20% more, he’s paying 20% more to put the goods on the shelf.

Inflation doesn’t come from price gouging.  In a market economy, price gouging doesn’t even work.  If Acme charges $6 for an item Shoprite sells for $4, you just don’t shop at Acme.  That’s why Lehigh University Business Professor Phillip Coles calls the Kamala price gouging argument “high-priced baloney.”

Milton Friedman taught that inflation can only be caused by excess government spending that increases the money supply. John Maynard Keynes, an economist that Democrats normally like to quote, said that inflation is how government steals wealth from the citizens, deflecting blame, then taking credit for price caps and subsidies that help citizens buy products they no longer can afford.

And depending on what day it is (Kamala keeps changing her mind), she’s planning to make things worse, because she has not yet begun to spend.  She wants to spend an additional $2 trillion on increased health subsidies (migrants get sick too you know), the earned-income credit, and then give new home buyers $25,000 each.  This would add $25,000 to the price of every house, thus aiding sellers and real estate agents, while landing the buyers an additional $25,000 in debt, subject to high Biden/Harris interest rates.

Then the Kamala Medicare For All plan will cost another $4.4 trillion a year.  Oh, and then she wants to have the government build homes.  Well, not homes in the sense of single family cottages by the side of the road, but high rise public housing.  No one will say what that would cost, and have you ever seen a decent public housing project?

Kamala’s Green New Deal fever dream plan would add another $3 trillion a year (for 25 years), to continue to piss money down the climate change rat hole.  They could use that money to build the 50,000 electric car charging stations they promised.  So far, they’ve spent $7.5 billion to build 8 chargers, so let’s see, carry the two, $3 trillion would build another 3,200 stations, then they’d only be about 47,000 stations short.  But then again, maybe we won’t need them, because electric cars aren’t selling well.

The bottom line is that the proposed Kamala spending spree will double the already historic national debt, requiring a tax rate of 70% to keep us afloat.  Even without the new spending, Kamala’s in favor of a 25% tax on unrealized capital gains.  That’s a sure way to usher in the second Great Depression.

Oh, and one more thing.  If I haven’t mentioned this, government price fixing doesn’t work.  President Nixon tried it in 1971.  And there’s a second part to the scheme that Kamala failed to mention.  It’s price and wage controls.  She failed to mention wages, but you really can’t cap one without capping the other.  If you’re expecting a raise next year, or are a union worker, or know someone who is, you might want to mention this to them.

Faced with 6% inflation, Nixon imposed a freeze on all prices, wages and rents throughout the United States.  In the short term (long enough to get Nixon reelected) it suppressed pent up inflation.  In the end Milton Friedman pronounced it “an utter failure.”

Price controls create shortages, of just about everything.  In 1973, new inflation and shortages appeared.  Ranchers stopped shipping their cattle to the market, farmers drowned their chickens, and consumers emptied the shelves of supermarkets.  The price controls on gasoline were the last straw.  When the Saudis doubled the price of oil, the price controls created a severe shortage of fuel.  If you’re not old enough to remember sitting in gas lines at the crack of dawn, hoping to get your allotted $3 worth of gasoline, ask someone who is.  It was not pleasant.

By the time Nixon departed, the stock market had crashed, and inflation had ballooned to 12%, leaving poor Gerald Ford holding the bag.  His plan was Whip Inflation Now, complete with red and white WIN buttons –

I still have one somewhere.  It was another utter failure.  Ford tried to convince consumers to spend less, and to conserve energy, but no one was listening.  In the end, we wound up with another utter failure, Jimmy Carter.

Much like Ford, nobody voted for Kamala Harris before she emerged as a potential Chief Executive.  Like Nixon’s and Ford’s, Kamala’s price fixing scheme is also doomed to failure.  But there are differences.  Nixon based his scheme on a law passed by Congress that permitted price controls.  Kamala is planning to simply impose controls without authority, like any good totalitarian dictator.  And then, while Ford blamed foreign oil-producing nations for the high prices, Biden and Harris  blame oil companies, gas stations, and your local grocer.  The danger, however, is that, much like Nixon’s plan, Kamala’s price gouging bullshit story could prop her up long enough to get her elected.

Should that happen, we’re screwed.  Do yourselves a favor, reject the Kamala pricing plan, and reject Kamala.  Tell her –










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