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FRANK ON FRIDAY – The Real Threat

Over the weekend, yet another would be assassin tried to kill Donald Trump.  Barely a month after a gunman in Pennsylvania shot Trump in the ear, killed a man and wounded two others, a second crazed leftist set up a sniper’s nest on the outskirts of Trump’s Palm Beach golf course and lay in wait for the former president, who was approaching the sniper’s location.  An alert Secret Service agent saw the rifle barrel, and fired at the gunman.  The gunman fled and was apprehended by Florida police.

The armed kook, whose name I will not repeat (but suffice to say he’s yet another three name assassin), turned out to be a Democrat activist, who had a Harris-Walz bumper sticker on his truck, and who is or was a recruiter of foreign fighters for Ukraine.  He has expressed his hatred for Donald Trump on social media, but as his son explains, his father is not violent, but simply hates Trump, “just as every reasonable person does.”  Whew!  That apple didn’t fall far from the tree did it?

Sadly, the son’s reaction is not an outlier, for in today’s polarized political atmosphere, it represents the Democrat Party line.  In a sane world, repeated assassination attempts on any political figure would result in calls for unity.  However, we don’t live in a sane world any longer.  As a result, it took the mentally ill Leftist slobs mere minutes to decide who was to blame for the repeated attempts to kill Donald Trump – the answer:  Donald Trump.

That’s right, Trump is only getting what he deserves.  CNN said that Trump’s rhetoric made the attempts to kill him inevitable.  RINO Republican former Congressman, and traitorous scum Adam Kinzinger said that MAGA lit the flame.  MSNBC was upset by the incident – only because they feared it might help Trump politically.  Never Trumper David Frum fumed that Trump and Vance “want to present themselves as near victims of violence.”  I’d have thought already having been shot in the head would have met that standard.

Then it got worse.  Remember former Army officer Alexander Vindman, the Ukranian immigrant who helped get Trump impeached (the first time) because of a phone call to the Ukranian president?  His brother is now running for Congress in Virginia.  He tweeted that Trump is inciting violence.  His wife, Rachel, then posted this message on social media, “No ears were harmed.  Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.”  Very sympathetic, huh?

Let’s see, the assassin was working to keep the Ukraine war going.  Vindman is a Ukranian who attempted to depose his Commander in Chief because Trump was trying to uncover corruption in Ukraine.  In Tuesday’s debate, Trump pledged to end the war in Ukraine.  And a few days later, one Ukrainian activist tries to shoot him, and another one says Trump had it coming.  You think maybe the opposition to Trump (the Cheney’s come to mind) and the attempts to kill him might be motivated by people who have an interest in continued warfare in Ukraine, and everywhere else around the globe?

Democrat Congressman Goldman of New York is on record stating that “Trump must be eliminated.”  Last, and decidedly least, we have one Hakeem Jeffries, the House Minority Leader.  Two hours after the shooting in West Palm Beach, Jeffries posted a denunciation of “Extreme MAGA,” concluding, “We must stop them.”

No matter what they do to Donald Trump, no matter how many times they try to kill him, the message of the Left remains unchanged – “Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy, who must never be permitted to win election.”

This is not a new phenomenon.  Beginning in 2016, Democrats have treated Donald Trump shamelessly.  They spied on his campaign.  The FBI treated the newly elected President as a criminal target from day one.  They used Hillary’s phony Russian dossier, which they knew to be false, to perform illegal wiretapping on Trump and company.  They impeached him twice.  They perverted our justice system to indict him four times.  They disparage and lie about him 24 hours a day.  Now they’ve tried to kill him twice, and we’re told by these vicious pricks that its all Trump’s fault.

This meme – “Trump’s rhetoric is inciting violence” is a function of Trump’s populist appeal.  Democrats hate Trump, and are constantly urging others to hate him, because he’s a different kind of Republican.  Democrats much prefer more orthodox “good loser” Republicans like McCain and Romney.  Weaklings, who almost apologized for their positions, and who could be counted on to keep smiling, no matter how badly they were abused by Democrats.

Trump doesn’t play that game.  He fights back.  And that’s what Democrats object to.  Never forget that Leftists are brain damaged, suffering from delusions of rectitude, which cause them to believe they’re always right and in the mainstream, no matter how nutty they get.

Democrat complaints about Trump’s “rhetoric” come not from truly extreme and inciting comments, but rather from their own aversion to hearing the truth.  The very people who tell Trump to tone down his rhetoric are employing rhetoric which is designed to cast Trump as a villain who must be destroyed.  They call him Hitler, Nazi, fascist, and a threat to democracy.  They falsely accuse him of planning to destroy the Constitution, to jail opponents, and to resort to violence if he doesn’t get his way.  At the same time, they blatantly ignore the Constitution to go after Trump, and are trying to imprison him for life, while at the same time, two homegrown kooks, plus the government of Iran are trying to kill him.

The real threat to democracy comes from Leftists suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome who fail to grasp that, when you convince enough people to believe Trump is Hitler, then anything you do to him, including murder, is justified.  Trump mentioned this at the debate last week.  “I probably took a bullet because of overheated Democrat rhetoric.”

The real threat comes from the unhinged ravings of the Left, which are aided and abetted by elected Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi, who in addition to trying to impeach, jail, and kill Trump, who have pledged to “never permit him to become President again.”  If they can’t defeat him at the polls, all that’s left is violence.  But they’re playing with fire.  If they keep it up and one of the demented army of the Left succeeds in killing Trump before the election, it may spark a fire that will be hard to put out.  I don’t want to see that happen.  If Democrats were the sane protectors of democracy that they pretend to be they would be well advised to curb their pie holes.  Don’t hold your breath.

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