(Hat tip to Tucker Carlson for some, but not all, of the colorful Indian appellations) This week, an unusually combative and confusing mid-term election became even more combative and confusing, with the unexpected entrance into the fray of Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s news that a private DNA test has determined that there is a possibility that she indeed does have an ancestor, from 5 to 10 generations in the past, who may have been an Indian. I hesitate to say an American Indian, because the DNA test company didn’t match her DNA to that of any American Indian, but instead matched it to DNA from indigenous peoples from Mexico and South America. The Senator’s test showed that she may have 0.09% Indian blood. Indeed, she may be 1/1024th Indian. We are told that the average, walking around American has twice the amount of Indian DNA as does Warren, but no matter, she immediately made it known that her long-ridiculed claim to Indian heritage had been proven. Warren’s timing was suspect. She is up for reelection this year, but in Massachusetts, polls have her running at least 25% ahead of her opponents, so it wasn’t her Senate reelection that prompted the unexpected announcement. To recap, Warren, was hired at Harvard after she represented herself as a Native American. Harvard even advertised Warren as its first female professor “of color.” Of course, Warren is whiter than white, and white ordinarily is considered to be the absence of all color, so the natural question to be asked is, if she’s a person of color, to what color were they referring? At full blush, Warren is still pretty white. The impromptu revelation seems to have more to do with Warren’s desire to run for President in 2020 than her candidacy in 2018. Warren’s Indian heritage claim stems from a story about her grandparents’ resistance to her mother’s marriage on grounds that she had Indian blood. What she says is that, when she was nothing more than a papoose, her Papaw related this story. The DNA test seems to prove no more than that Warren’s grandparents were bigots, but she claims that her high cheekbones prove that she is descended from the Cherokee and perhaps Delaware tribes. Melania Trump has much higher cheekbones than does Warren, so unless the Cherokees had a Slovenian chapter, this factor may not be dispositive. She’s been ridiculed for her claim, and has widely been called Fauxcahontas, the false Pocahontas. President Trump has lambasted Warren, deriding her as Pocahontas at every opportunity. Warren says her test proves Trump wrong, and Warren has denounced Trump for mocking native Americans. No Liz, the President isn’t mocking native Americans, he’s just mocking you. When confronted with the 1/1024th chance of Indian blood, Warren protested that, “it’s not about the number,” the test proves she was right all along. In order to understand this claim, one must understand Leftist logic. Elizabeth Warren was told she has Indian blood, and she believed it, so if she identifies as a native American, that should be good enough. Identity politics are the Holy Grail of the Left. Indians are victims, and self-identification as a member of the victim class should end the debate. The problem facing Fakeajewea Warren is that even the media, the willing handmaids of the Left, aren’t buying her Spreading Bull. Rather than declaring her yet another victim of Trump’s intolerance, they instead have regarded her test results as an unwelcome distraction to the electoral process, and have regarded her Indian heritage claim as, you should pardon the expression, Crazy Horseshit. Instead of being hailed as another minority victim of the Trump insult machine, would-be Indian squaw, Dances With Truth Warren, has been dismissed as a joke, a Fraudazuma, or a Geronisnowjob, if you will. Warren may claim Cherokee heritage, but the Cherokees sure aren’t buying it. A spokesman for the Cherokee tribe has declared the DNA results “useless,” and have denounced her claim of Cherokee citizenship as “inappropriate and wrong.” Ouch.
Elizabeth Warren is undeterred, however. Big Chief Running Mouth, taking a page from Chief Joseph, has taken the position that, “I shall fight the truth forever.” I understand that she’s coming out with new book, coauthored by writer Dee Brown, entitled, Bury The Truth And Vote For Me. Warren obviously needs something to bolster her upcoming presidential run, against the likes of Kamala Harris, Corey Booker and Eric Holder, all of whom have more obvious claims to minority (victim) status. Warren can’t be black, and she can’t get away with claiming to be Hispanic, so she has proclaimed #Me Sioux, because female and Indian was the next best thing. Democrats have never been known to let a little thing like the facts get in the way of a good sob story. Elizabeth Warren has dishonored the millions of real native Americans, many of whom have all too real stories of discrimination. The Song of Lieawatha is a song of deceit and deception. Shame, shame, Lieawatha. Liar liar, buck- skin pants on fire.
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