This campaign season certainly has been a roller coaster of emotion. Faced with two unusually unpalatable candidates, voters are split. Like others, I have grave doubts about what we will get from a President Trump. However, I have no doubt that a President Hillary Clinton will complete the destruction of my country begun by Il Duce Obama. Simply put, while I have no objection to a female President, I don’t think the first one should be Ma Barker. As a result, I’ve weighed my doubts against the certainty of disaster and will vote for Trump. Last Friday, I compared the Clinton Crime Family to characters in The Godfather. Over the weekend, that theme was continued by former FBI Deputy Director James Kallstrom, who noted, “The Clintons, that’s a crime family, basically. “It’s like organized crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.” Kallstrom called Hillary a “pathological liar,” adding, “God forbid we put someone like that in the White House.” Well said. Fresh from Halloween, a new comparison is in order this week. That Frank Baum classic, The Wizard of Oz, re-titled for the 2016 election, The Wizard of Lies. There’s no doubt about what part Hillary will play.
The Clintons have been on the public stage for over 25 years, and in that time, have proven themselves to be thoroughly corrupt. From the moment they arrived, the Clintons have lived by the motto, “What we did may be unethical, but it’s not necessarily illegal.” Add to this a timid Congress and a lapdog Media, and the Clintons have skated through every scandal. Like locusts, the Clintons have consumed and destroyed everything they have touched, leaving behind only the stench of taint and decay. My late father-in- law used to say, “nobody gets rich quick by being honest.” Hillary said they were “dead broke” when they left the White House in 2001. Since then, although only Hillary has held a job, and she worked for the government, they have accumulated income of over $221,000,000. I rest my father-in- law’s case. Bill Clinton was bad enough, but at least his depravities were limited to his private dealings with women who were unfortunate enough to get close to him. By contrast, Hillary Clinton and her gang of left-wing flying monkeys have sown corruption and mistrust in every part of the government. Liberals like to talk about zero tolerance when it comes to guns and speech they don’t like, but they’re extremely tolerant of illegal aliens, criminals, radical Islamists and the Black Lives Matter thugs who disparage the police. Under a President Hillary, the borders, the truth and the law cease to matter. When the Constitution stops being the supreme law of the land and becomes simply an obstacle to be altered on a whim, the United States of America ceases to exist. And this year, the Democrats, the Media (which is redundant), and even some Republicans are content to see Hillary elected and what’s left of our country spin down the drain. The only person standing in her way is Donald Trump. If nothing else, Trump is a middle finger in the face of the establishment, the political experts, the masterminds, and the Statist planners. Woodward and Bernstein said, “Follow the money.” Lots of people in Washington stand to wield a lot of influence and make a lot of money so long as they can continue their dirty “business as usual.” Every time Trump promises to go to Washington and “drain the swamp,” it’s a stake in their hearts. Until Friday, they had no reason to fear. They were in the process of convincing us that Hillary had this thing wrapped up. No sooner had I posted my column last Friday, predicting that the “fix was in” for Hillary, than the FBI announced that the Hillary investigation was back on, and maybe the “fix was out.” Hillary corrupted the State Department selling influence through the Clinton Foundation. She corrupted the Justice Department, by having Bill meet with Loretta Lynch to ensure that Justice remained blind. But perhaps, the Clinton corruption finally has met its match in the FBI. In July, James Comey laid out a damning case, and then declined to recommend prosecution. Last week, new evidence came to light. Republicans who had been bashing Comey, began praising him, and Democrats who had praised Comey denounced him as a nothing less than a Republican. What could be worse than that? And how fitting is it that the evidence that may finally bring down the Clinton Crime Family came from another well known pervert, Anthony Weiner. Knowing he was under investigation (by the FBI) for sexting underage girls, Weiner apparently copied 650,000 of wife Huma Abedin’s emails from the State Department to a file he entitled “Life Insurance.” This sleaze of all sleazes planned to sell his wife down the river for his own freedom. Huma had not identified this computer as a device that had State Department emails on it, and I suspect that the Hillary mob assumed that this evidence had been destroyed with all the rest, and tailored their answers to the FBI accordingly. The FBI doesn’t like to be lied to. Proof that witnesses lied to the FBI would certainly motivate Comey to do what he did last week. Of course, Hillary and her cohorts screamed “foul!” True to form, Hillary, the Wizard of Lies and Wicked Witch of the Left, encouraged voters to get and and vote early. Translation – “Vote for me before the truth comes out.” The corrupt Media immediately went into its dance, swearing to the Wizard’s lies. “America, pay no attention to the corrupt woman behind the curtain.” But people are beginning to pay attention. The AP/Washington Post poll had Hillary 12% ahead on October 23. As I write this, Trump has tied Hillary, even though the poll assumes that Democrat voters will outnumber Republicans by 10%. This seems unrealistic in a year without Obama on the ballot and waning Democrat enthusiasm. By comparison, in 2008, the same poll used a +6% Democrat advantage. Early voting has suggested that black voters are not as anxious to vote for Hillary as they were for Obama. What’s more, Trump’s handlers finally seem to have convinced him to stay on message. Trump seems revitalized. There’s no telling how this will end, but many voters seem to have concluded that they are not ready to vote for a candidate who may be indicted any moment, and who could be impeached the second she takes her hand off the bible. Hopefully Donald Trump finally will be able to melt the Wicked Witch of the Left.
If our nation is saved, thank an FBI agent.
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