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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Time for Soul Searching … Again

In the wake of the Orlando terrorist attack which killed 49 and wounded 53 others, our President, true to form, has chosen to ignore the truth, and suggest that the solution is for Americans to change.  In the early morning hours on Sunday, Omar Mateen entered a gay nightclub and shot over 100 innocent people.  Immediately, we were cautioned not to jump to conclusions, the first clue that there was an Islamic link.  Mateen’s family is from Afghanistan, but we mustn’t judge.  Obama went so far as to admit that shooting 100 people is an act of terror, a big concession for him.  On Sunday, we learned that 13 minutes after he starting shooting, Mateen took a break to call police to proclaim his allegiance to ISIS.  Then, ISIS issued a statement announcing that Mateen was an ISIS State fighter.  That same day, Obama warned us not to give in to fear or turn against one another.  Mateen’s motivation was not known, Il Duce scolded us.  Only that was a lie.  Much was known publicly about Mateen’s motivation, and it’s certain Obama had better information than the media.  We are constantly told by the government – “If you see something, say something.”  The Orlando tragedy proves that doesn’t work.  Mateen’s ex-wife reported he was violent and unstable.  That didn’t stop him from being licensed to carry a gun and hired by world-wide security company G4S as an armed guard.  G4S guards federal government facilities for the State Department and Homeland Security, including nuclear facilities.  They had Mateen guarding the St. Lucie County Courthouse.  Say something?  A co-worker told his superiors that Mateen was a devout Muslim who was dangerous and unhinged; a violent homophobe and a racist.  In 2013, after Mateen told co-workers he had ties to terrorist organizations and wanted to become a martyr, they told the FBI.  The FBI interviewed Mateen about that, and later interviewed him again about possible ties to an American suicide bomber.  The FBI took no action, however, because Mateen said all the people who saw something and said something were bigots, picking on him because of his Muslim faith.  That was good enough for the FBI’s.  Mateen was no threat.  Mateen’s father later confirmed this, saying, (and I’m not making this up) “My son was not a radical, he doesn’t even have a beard.”  You can’t argue with logic.  Two days after the shootings, the FBI was still looking for Mateen’s motive. (I guess we can’t believe either Mateen himself or the ISIS news agency, you know how those terrorists lie).  On Tuesday, Obama said what he always says when unbelievable violence occurs, “We need to do some soul searching about gun laws.”  That same day, Obama criticized Republicans for pointing out that he refuses to identify attacks that are made by radical Muslims as “radical Islamic terrorism.”  In so doing, Obama used a typical tool of the tyrant, mixing a small truth with a big lie.  True, Obama gets criticized for not identifying radical Islamic terrorism, but he went on to claim that “they [Republicans] say this is the key to solving the problem.”  Big lie.  No Republican I ever heard of ever claimed that terrorism could be controlled by uttering the magic words “radical Islamic terrorism.”  They have said Obama should admit what we’re dealing with, control the borders, and give greater law enforcement scrutiny to potential Islamic time bombs like Mateen.  But Obama doesn’t want to do those things.  Obama blasted Donald Trump as “un-American” for calling for a temporary ban on admitting people from Muslim countries that support terrorism.  As I’ve often noted, if the Democrats didn’t have hypocrisy, they’d stand for nothing at all.  Obama himself suspended the admission of Iraqi refugees for 6 months in 2011 to improve the screening process.  In an election year, the same proposal is un-American.  Mr. President, this is not about gun control, it’s about Islamic terrorist control.  We are tired of being blamed for your inability to face the truth.  ISIS has called for attacks on Americans during Ramadan to “terrorize them so that the neighbor fears his neighbor.”  Sunday’s attack was such an example, but you won’t blame Islamic terrorists.  You even have said “ISIS has nothing to do with Islam.”  Uh, what do you think the “I” stands for?  The sad truth is that Obama’s state of denial goes much deeper than that.  The literal meaning of the word “Islam” is “surrender” (to God).  Ever notice Obama won’t even say “ISIS,” but insists on saying “ISIL?”  ISIS is the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.  ISIL stands for the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (the entire Middle East).  Clearly, Obama already has surrendered.  He says people who self-radicalize are hard to identify ahead of time.  Mateen wasn’t.  For several years, the government was told repeatedly that he was a violent terrorist threat.  We need more gun laws?  No gun law would have stopped Mateen, who the government licensed to carry guns, and permitted armed access to government facilities, even though he was on the FBI’s Terrorist Watch List.  No. It’s the inept and pathetic government that needs to do some soul searching.  We are supposed to rely on the government to identify and deal with terrorist threats, but the government has proven that it cannot and will not protect us, even when the potential terrorist is singled out.  The Russians told us that the eventual Boston bombers were dangerous.  The government did nothing.  Numerous citizens identified Omar Mateen as a threat.  The government did nothing.  Is it any wonder we don’t trust the government?  No Mr. President, we haven’t turned against one another, we’ve turned against you.  Once again, you’ve proven yourself at best a weakling, and at worst, a Quisling.  We won’t give in to fear, but we’d better put the fear of God into the feckless public officials who pretend they are protecting us.  Public safety is the first priority of the government.  Without it, we are in Thomas Hobbes’s “state of nature.”  Taking guns from law-abiding Americans isn’t a solution.  While Obama has been President, the number of dangerous jihadists has doubled.  Whatever Obama has been doing hasn’t gotten the job done.  I long for the day that when he’s off the job.

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