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Frank On Friday – Trump’s First Year

As Donald Trump’s first year as President came to a close, he celebrated by handing out Fake News Awards to media outlets that got just about everything about him and his Administration dead wrong.  Surprising no one, CNN topped the list.  On the eve of the first anniversary of his inauguration, Chuck Schumer and his band of insufferable hypocrites managed to shut down the government (like that’s a bad thing), over the DACA plan.  That’s right.  The Democrats put the welfare of illegal aliens over that of American citizens.  The DACA deadline isn’t until March, and even then, the truth is that none of the 800,000 (or is it 3.6 million) illegals is going to find an ICE agent at his or her door if the deadline passes, but no matter.  Schumer and company are holding the military, veterans, and even the “children” they always claim to care about, hostage to DACA.  I guess the Dems only care about foreign kids.  Then, miracle of miracles, 3 days later, Schumer folded, ended the shutdown, got blamed for it, and pissed off the really extreme Dem base.  But I digress.  CNN, the Fake News Network, celebrated the one year anniversary by continuing to bash Trump.  I was in the gym, and thus was forced to see CNN on the TV, the only way I’ll watch it.  I think most of CNN’s viewership comes from people who are in a place, like an airport, where they can’t change the channel, but again, I digress.  CNN ran a banner for about 30 minutes announcing “TRUMP’S FIRST YEAR – INSULTED FRIENDS AND ADVERSARIES.”  When they got tired of that one, they changed the banner to “THOUSANDS MARCH TO PROTEST TRUMP.”  Fair and balanced, huh?  No wait, I guess that’s Fox.  CNN had nothing to say about the soaring stock market, where the DOW topped 26,000, and is up 32% since the election.  They said nothing about the lowest unemployment rate in years, including record low unemployment among women, blacks and Hispanics, the holy trinity of the Democrat Party.  They had nothing to say about the tax cuts, which have resulted in many companies already handing out bonuses and increasing pay for employees, or about Apple repatriating billions of dollars, investing $350 billion in America, hiring another 20,000 people and paying some $38 billion in additional tax.  No.  You see, the great economy comes from Obama, not from Trump.  The obligatory Democrats on FOX say that every night, like they believe it.  Some of them, and millions of deluded leftists actually do believe it.  Here’s how it worked.  Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in 75 years.  He never had 3% growth in any year, a dubious record for a President.  Wages were flat and millions of former workers just stopped looking for work.  But Obama cleverly timed things so that the stagnant economy he ran into the ground would blossom as soon as he was gone.  Uh huh.  The truth is that the economy expanded by more than 3% for the first time in years in 2017 because Obama finally was gone, not because of anything he did.  But Trump is hated.  When people are interviewed, and asked whether he should be credited with the economic boom, they say maybe, but “we don’t like his tone,” or “he Tweets too much.”  Tone and Tweet trumps accomplishments so far as Trump is concerned.  Lots of people mention the Tweet rate, but in fairness, can you blame him?  More than 90% of the coverage Trump gets in the media is negative, no matter what he does or says.  They give hours of coverage to the non-existent Trump-Russia collusion witch hunt, and no coverage to the ever-expanding evidence of Hillary-Russia collusion and Justice Department corruption.  Trump’s best chance to be heard is via his Tweets.  Well, he doesn’t act “presidential,” which I guess means that other presidents didn’t act the way Trump acts; he’s blunt, and he’s crude at times.  Two things about that.  First, Trump was elected precisely because he pulled no punches, and because he was able to connect with the common man.  The fact that he does make that connection with a group the Democrats thought they had sewed up, is why he’s President right now, and why the Dems hate him.  Secondly, while it’s true his inexperience and bluntness sometimes cause self-inflicted wounds, what did you expect.  Donald Trump is in a unique position as President.  He really is an outsider.  Every other President has had a former President to consult with when the going got tough.  Bill Clinton used to call Richard Nixon for advice late at night.  George W. Bush had his father.  (Obama had Bill Clinton, but he didn’t need advice from anybody, because he was a community organizer).  Apart from past Presidents, every other incoming Administration has had thousands of the Party faithful ready to step into jobs in the White House.  Donald Trump had none of that.  Obama and the Clintons are “the Resistance,” and it now turns out, were responsible for conducting domestic spying on the Trump campaign, and are actively working to have him impeached.  The Bushes hate Trump even more than Obama and Clinton, so no help is coming from them or their allies.  Under the circumstances, it’s a wonder that Trump has fared as well as he has in his first year.  If the Dems had any brains, they would help Trump succeed, share the prosperity, and tell voters they made their lives better.  Instead, their plan is simply to oppose Trump at all costs.  If they’ve miscalculated, it will cost them dearly.

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