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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Turning Back the Clock

The weekend before election day on November 8 we will be turning our clocks back an hour.  That certainly seems appropriate because the Democrats always like to warn voters that, if elected, Republicans will “turn back the clock.”  Democrats have to say things like that.  As a Party with nothing to offer, all they can do is repeat their bread and butter lines.  “It will be another Vietnam” (any military operation). “It’s the worst economy since the Great Depression” (not Obama’s –  any Republican’s).  “The rich should pay their fair share” (the top 5% already pay 60% of the taxes, but that’s still not fair enough).  And of course, “Don’t let Republicans turn back the clock.”  The Democrats fancy themselves Progressives, you see, and the only way to “progress” is to change things.  The way that works is, anything that came before is no good and must be changed.  Changed to what?  Whatever they say.  “Hope and change,” right?  That’s progress.  Only it’s not.  Progressives don’t know better and their way is not the right way.  We are just finishing up 8 years of rampant progress under Il Duce Obama, who promised to “fundamentally transform” America into a socialist wonderland.  Nothing got better.  It got worse.  But, “don’t let Republicans turn back the clock.”  Why?  Well, that would hurt education.  Schools in big cities are failing and have been failing for 60 years.  Who’s been running the schools all that time?  Democrats.  But, the Republicans wouldn’t take care of people in the cities.  Big cities, and some not so big cities, are riddled with corruption and are going bankrupt.  Who runs all the big cities?  Democrats.  Yeah, but the Republicans would just give tax breaks to the rich, and tax cuts are just “trickle down” economics anyway.  Pardon me, but it’s the Democrats, under Il Duce Obama, who have artificially held down interest rates for 8 years, a policy which has enriched already rich stock traders, and hurt the poor and the elderly, who now get 0% interest on their savings.  Cutting taxes doesn’t work?  It worked in the 1920’s.  Coolidge cut taxes and government revenue increased.  In the 1960’s Democrat Lyndon Johnson cut the 90%  top tax rate to 70%, and government revenue increased.  In the 1980’s Reagan cut the 70% top rate to 28%, and government revenue doubled.  Incomes for working people in all groups increased dramatically.  But don’t turn back that clock.  Folks, the Democrats have stopped the economic clock, it’s now running backwards.  Yeah, but the Republicans, they would stop progress on civil rights.  Forgive me if I fail to see the progress.  Many people, many Republicans included, were positively giddy in 2008 over the election of Obama.  Here it was, the long struggle for equality was over.  An African-American President would end racial strife and bring us together.  There was even talk of a “post-racial” society.  How sweet that would have been, and I truly believe that Obama had an opportunity to do just that, if he’d had a mind to do it.  He didn’t.  Instead of bringing us together, Obama has taken every opportunity to tear us apart.  Henry Louis Gates got arrested.  Obama blamed the cop.  Travon Martin?  Obama stoked that fire.  Ferguson, Missouri?  Don’t burden him with the facts.  Obama sided with Black Lives Matter anarchists.  As I write this, there have been 2 days of rioting in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Barack Obama, the man who believes he’s in charge of everything, has not uttered one word about it, much less tried to defuse the situation.  Race relations are in worse shape now than at any time in the past 50 years.  In the last couple of years of Obama “progress,” we’ve had riots in Missouri, Maryland, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, California, New York, North Carolina, Illinois, Minnesota, Louisiana and Utah.  Donald Trump keeps telling black voters, “vote for me, what do you have to lose?”  He’s not wrong about that.  But don’t turn back the clock.  If you’re a Democrat, there’s a good reason not to turn it back.  If they did, people might remember that it was Democrats who supported slavery, enacted Jim Crow laws to deny black citizens the protection of the Reconstruction Amendments to the Constitution, and stopped every attempt to enact civil rights legislation for 100 years.  Democrats claim to have the solutions to all the problems that they, themselves, created.  They say that they’re progressive, but they refuse to acknowledge progress that’s right in front of their faces.  I’ll give you an example.  It’s what I like to call the 2 Sheriff Clarks.  When I was a kid, in the 1960’s we had Sheriff James Clark of Alabama.


Now this Sheriff Clark was a good Democrat.  He was also a virulent racist, who liked to release attack dogs and turn fire hoses on black people who dared to aspire to having basic human rights, including the right to vote.  The Democrats never complained about this Sheriff Clark back then.  He was too powerful.  And, of course, they don’t like to talk about him now.  Mustn’t turn back the clock, right?

Today, we have a new Sheriff Clarke.


That’s Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.  Progressives must be thrilled that a black man has been elected, and 3 times reelected, to such a position of responsibility, right?  Wrong.  Democrats hate and constantly criticize him.  What’s wrong with this Sheriff Clarke?  Well, it seems he doesn’t stand for lawbreaking, regardless of the race of the lawbreaker.  This Sheriff Clarke calls the cities, “cauldrons of anarchy and hatred” created by leftist policies.  He opposes Black Lives Matters.  The other day, he described what’s going on in North Carolina as “primitive, sub-human behavior.”  Worst of all, this Sheriff Clarke had the temerity to speak at the Republican National Convention in support of Donald Trump.  What, an African-American man who holds public office, is not afraid to speak his mind, who rejects the liberal Democrat orthodoxy, and who’s unwilling to toil on the Democrat plantation?  Outrageous.  That can’t tolerated.  Sure it can.  To coin a term, let’s just call it progress, and we won’t even have to turn back the clock. 




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