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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Who Plays the Russia Game?

The old saying is, I’ve got the name, but you play the game.  In today’s politics, what that means is that, although Democrats have spent every waking hour since the early morning hours of November 9, 2016 claiming that Donald Trump and friends colluded with Russia to get elected, the evidence demonstrates that it was Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the DNC that were intimately involved with Russian interests before and during the 2016 election.  This week, confirmation came that the phony Trump dossier supplied by Fusion GPS was bought and paid for by none other than the Hillary campaign, the DNC and last, but certainly least, Obama’s political slush fund, Organizing for America.  The dossier alleged all kinds of sexual depravity  and other misconduct by Trump, including Russian collusion.  Fusion paid former British spy Christopher Steele to compile the dossier, much of which reportedly was supplied by the Russian FSB (nee KGB).  The outrageous claims in the dossier were so unbelievable that even the Trump-hating mainstream media wouldn’t repeat them.  Although the media  portrayed the “Democrats paid for the dossier” story as  new information, the fact that Democrat fingerprints were all over the dossier is nothing new to anyone who has followed the musings of Frank on Friday.   On July 14, 2017, in an F on F entitled Back to the U.S.S.R., I wrote, “After Trump was nominated, Democratic financial supporters of Hillary Clinton paid Fusion for its anti-Trump research.  In the summer of 2016, GPS hired former British intelligence agent, Christopher Steele, to help their work.”  Now gentle readers, I assure you that I had no inside information on this subject.  The July column was based on public information available to anyone, presumably including professional journalists.  What I took note of in July has only been reported now because Fusion GPS lost its fight to keep its bank records out of the hands of Congressional investigators.  But for that, the Democrats would have kept lying about it, and the media would have kept swearing to their lies.  Now they can’t, so the Dems have a new meme, “It doesn’t matter who paid for the dossier.”  The “it doesn’t matter” claim is a new testament to Democrat duplicity and hypocrisy.  Follow me on this.  Remember when Donald Trump, Jr. met with the female lawyer with the Russian surname?  The 20 minute meeting, where no money changed hands, with someone who said she had negative information about Hillary, but really had none, and gave none to Trump?  Remember the Democrat response?  Donald Trump and son were accused of treason, simply for being willing to accept opposition research from a foreigner.  So now comes the announcement that Hillary, Obama and company paid more than $10 million to a law firm which hired Fusion, which hired foreign intelligence agent Steele, who gathered disinformation from Russian (foreign) intelligence sources, to compile a totally false scandal sheet on Donald Trump.  Democrats, and their media partners don’t consider this to be treason however, instead, we are told this was just good, old-fashioned opposition research.  They really have no shame.  In the F on F column entitled Dezinformatsiya on May 19, 2017, I recounted the Russian history of spreading disinformation, and attempting to influence foreign elections.  Now it seems evident that Hillary, who continues to complain that Russia influenced the 2016 election, herself paid millions of dollars for Russian disinformation that was designed to influence the 2016 election.  You can’t make this stuff up.  The FBI spent a year looking for Russian collusion.  The FBI reportedly even offered to pay more money to Christopher Steele for more false information about Trump.  It’s plausible that the FBI (Comey) used the false dossier to get wiretaps and to unmask Americans who were intercepted.  Then, Special Counsel Mueller and 17 other prosecutors labored for 5 months to prove Russian collusion.  As of October 30, they have charged Paul Manafort and his partner with financial crimes that allegedly were committed from 2006 to 2014, that is, long before Trump decided to run, and long before Manafort went to work for Trump.  A 31 count Indictment, and no Russian collusion.  Mueller did find a campaign volunteer who claimed he tried to get Trump campaign officials to meet with Russians.  The Trump campaign said “No.”  But the volunteer supposedly lied about when talked to the Russians, so they pled him to one count of, what, conspiring with Russia to fix the election?  Uh, no, lying to an FBI agent (ala Martha Stewart).  No Russian collusion by Trump.  So let’s recap.  According to Hillary, Trump conspired with Russia, Russia stole and released truthful information about Hillary from her emails, that’s why Trump won, and that’s why Trump is guilty of treason.  On the other hand, Hillary paid over $9 million to lawyer Mark Elias, then Elias hired Fusion, and Fusion paid for false information on Trump concocted by Russian intelligence, then she spread the Russian lies around hoping to damage Trump and win the election, and she’s the victim.  Simply put, Hillary paid Russians to do what they would have done for nothing, spread disinformation to destabilize the U.S.  And, oh, let me add, nobody from the Hillary campaign can seem to remember who paid the $10 million for the dossier, and previously Mark Elias swore to the New York Times that he and Hillary had nothing to do with it.  Robert Mueller may be closing in on the real Russian collusion, however.  After the Manafort Indictment, Democrat lobbyist Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary campaign manager John Podesta, unexpectedly resigned from his company, a move that many interpreted as his expectation of impending criminal charges.  Once again, readers of this column shouldn’t be surprised.  On May 5, 2017, in the column entitled New Democrats Part II – The Red Menace,
I wrote this, “But, wait, this just in – in 2016, a U.S. lobbyist took $170,000 from Russian bankers to end U.S. sanctions against Russia.  Paul Manafort, right?  Wrong!  It was Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary’s John Podesta, whose hacked emails started the whole collusion mess.”  Perhaps, as Reverend Wright once predicted, “the chickens are coming home to roost!”  Perhaps the special counsel investigation that James Comey says he engineered, that Hillary cheered, and that Democrats and their media lapdogs hoped would lead to Trump’s impeachment, actually will arrive at the truth; Democrats gave Trump the collusion name, but it is they who played the collusion game.  Don’t hold your breath.

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