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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Why Stop with the 2nd Amendment?

The rabid gun control enthusiasts most often tell us that they are not in favor of confiscation of guns, but merely want “common sense” gun control measures enacted.  Last week a dirty little truth slipped from the mouth of California Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell, who proposed that the government spend $15 billion to buy back “assault weapons,” and to criminally prosecute those who do not voluntarily turn in their guns.  Now, first of all, let’s set several things straight.  I don’t belong to the NRA, I don’t own a gun, nor do I wish to own a gun, but those things said, I can read the Constitution.  Swalwell’s proposal is wrong on so many levels, that I’m not sure where to start.  First, there’s no real definition of an “assault firearm.”  Here in New Jersey, our statute has a list of named weapons, but models come and go, and model numbers are changed, so what good is the list?  Secondly, consider the Congressman’s proposal.  In the name of public safety, he’s willing to spend $15 billion to buy back rifles from law-abiding citizens, but he is vehemently opposed to spending even $1 to secure California’s border with Mexico.  Swalwell says his buy back proposal is patterned on the program used in Australia, which he hailed as a great success.  Of course, as if on cue, days after Swalwell praised the Australian program, there was a mass shooting in Australia.  Maybe the Australians didn’t offer enough for the guns.  Then of course, Swalwell is going after rifles, when the vast majority of gun crimes are committed with handguns.  No matter.  Swalwell may have slipped up by admitting that the end game for gun control advocates is confiscation, but there is an even dirtier little secret beneath Swalwell’s dirty little secret.  All we ever hear about is gun control’s “assault” on the Second Amendment, which is a real concern.  The Second Amendment is the part of the Bill of Rights which makes gun ownership a right of constitutional dimension.  The rabid gun control advocates certainly are jeopardizing our Second Amendment rights, but they can’t stop there.  Eric Swalwell let that cat out of the bag. When I think of the gun control lobby, I think back to the last scene of that left-wing Michael Douglas movie, The American President.  In that scene, Douglas vows to “get the guns, if he has to go door to door to do it.”  Here’s a bulletin.  If you’re going to “get the guns,” that’s the only way to do it.  And that’s why, if you subscribe to the gun control position, you can’t stop with the Second Amendment.  You also have to do away with other parts of the Bill of Rights.  Let’s preface this with the reality that outlawing guns would represent just another law that a criminal will violate.  Simply put, if Mr. Swalwell wants to take guns back, he should start by going door to door on the South side of Chicago.  He might make it to 2 or 3 doors before he became a casualty.  But I digress, because Swalwell isn’t interested in taking guns away from criminals.  He’s looking to take guns from the law-abiding people who are trying to defend themselves from criminals.  If a criminal has a gun, the police can get a warrant to legally enter a home to seize it.  But, in order to take guns back from the law-abiding citizen, it will be necessary to cancel the Fourth Amendment.  That way, Swalwell can just break down the doors in the middle of the night and ransack the house until he finds the rifles.  Maybe the government will  just pretend we’re all as dangerous as Paul Manafort.  This is the most glaring flaw in the Left’s gun control position.  The self-righteous Left, that spends so much of its time bashing law enforcement officers, calling them Fascists and racists, is in favor of a policy which can only end wholesale invasions of privacy.  You really can’t blame the Leftists though.  I mean, you have to keep in mind that liberals don’t think, they feel.  If they get their way, let’s see how they feel about having their doors broken down.  Anyhow, there goes the Fourth Amendment.  And since the Fourth Amendment applies to the States by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment, there goes the Fourteenth Amendment too.  But we can’t even stop there.  In Swalwell’s brave new world, gun owners must voluntarily turn in their guns.  In other words, they must admit that they are in violation of the law.  Whoops, there goes the Fifth Amendment, which protects us from self-incrimination.  Then there are those pesky States.  Leftists either don’t understand or don’t care to admit that the States created the federal government, and not the other way around.  The police powers, which include gun laws were supposed to be the province of the States, and not the federal government.  That’s why there are some States, like Illinois, which has some of the most restrictive gun laws (while also having the most shootings), and some States which have more permissive gun laws.  The Swalwell program will put an end to the State’s right to enact their own gun laws.  So, we’ll also have to say goodbye to the Tenth Amendment, which is not a real sacrifice for the Left, since they barely recognize the Tenth Amendment anyway.  We often hear about throwing the baby out with the bath water.  The pro-gun control lobby can only succeed if the throw out the bulk of our Bill of Rights in their zeal to “take back the guns.”  The bottom line is that, if they respect the Constitution, their plan won’t work, and if the destroy the Constitution, America will cease to exist.  But it’s for our own good, right?  I’ll pass.

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