
"Preserve, Protect and Condemn explores the future of government controlled healthcare in America. The bad news is that you might not have one."

Frank on Friday

President Bush 41, George H.W. Bush, called himself “the Education President.”  Two time presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, who clearly is sitting in the dark, sticking pins in her Joe Biden doll, in hopes that he’ll trip and fall and Democrats will draft her for president, has served notice that, if elected, she will be […]

There was a time when Democrats, who now go by the misnomer “Progressives,” spend much of their time asking the question, “Why do people from other countries hate us?”  Misbegotten leftists pondered that problem at length after the 911 attacks.  The answer was as obvious then as it is now.  A strong America, dedicated to […]

I used to hate it when the Left kept telling us, “the walls are closing in” on President Trump, but today, it actually appears that the walls indeed may be closing in on the current resident of the White House, Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden.  Biden truly has screwed up absolutely everything he’s touched since […]