
"Preserve, Protect and Condemn explores the future of government controlled healthcare in America. The bad news is that you might not have one."

Frank on Friday

The longer Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden remains in office, the closer the parallels become between Sleepy Joe and our 29th president, Warren G. Harding.  The two were elected to office exactly 100 years apart.  Both W.G.H. and J.R.B. became president after a pandemic; Harding the Influenza pandemic, and Biden, the Wuhan Virus.  Likewise, both […]

In England, and early on in America, there were Debtor’s Prisons which incarcerated people who were unwilling, or unable, to repay their debts.  Unless you had friends with means to satisfy your debts, or friends in high places who could pull some strings, you could be locked up in The Clink (that’s where the term […]

This coming Monday is Memorial Day.  Because our schools are producing generations of historical illiterates, as with most holidays, for most people Memorial Day is just an excuse for another long weekend.  However, there’s a lot more to it.  The first Memorial Day, then called Decoration Day, was held May 30, 1868, to commemorate the […]