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Hurting Muslims’ Feelings?

We are told that the recent outrages in Libya and Egypt occurred because a video which practically nobody had seen, and which was produced in America by someone nobody ever heard of, hurt the feelings of Muslims. How is it that we have come to accept the notion that, of all the peoples of the Earth, only Muslims have feelings? And how is it that Muslim feelings can be hurt to the point of fomenting riot and murder over such things as an unseen video or a cartoon, when Muslims don’t seem to be offended by such things as the beheading of innocent journalists, the murder of innocent women and children in the marketplace, the murders of American troops, and the slaughter of Christians whose only crime was not being Muslim? More importantly, why would any thinking American tolerate a President whose first instinct is to appease the murderers and to apologize for the existence of religious freedom in America? No Administration that begs forgiveness for our First Amendment is worthy of support. Obama must be defeated.

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